05-11-2016, 06:22 PM
valkyrie4488 Wrote:Depression at it's finest. Normally I don't go into this because I don't want to seem weird or be any trouble to friends, and I bottle it up as to not be a burden, but today it's bad. Sorry in advance. I don't have any friends or anyone IRL, and it's been like that sense I was little forever a loner aside from the few I used to know way back before going into home schooling which is another story entirely. I'm 28 overweight, and generally feel like an ugly loser. I just wonder where my life is going, and if it is worth it honestly. Will I make it in music, will I be anything or anyone special to someone. With no social skills at all, and being quiet most of the time not knowing how to interact or not wanting to seem weird I just don't know. Loneliness is the scariest monster of all, one that can hollow your soul and twist your heart. Thank you for reading, and sorry again. Off to continue work, and contemplate thing's by myself.
This advice may not be to your liking but have you thought about joining a gym ? you say your overweight - the gym can help , but the other part is your out of the house . 2, your socialising if you make an effort to chat 3, exercise releases endorphins that creates the feel good factor thus helping with depression . I go to the gym and I see ages from 12 to probably late 80's and of all shapes and sizes - no body will care about your size as everyone is there for the same reasons - the staff can set you a program too which also helps with interacting with them and others - You honestly get out of it what your willing to put in , it can be fun for the hour or so your there