Jay Wrote:No, not all gays carry that kind of voice. That is just a myth.
Gay men are heavily stereotyped and hmm, commercialized. We are all portrayed to be fabulously fashionable, loaded with money, only hang with girls and more. Whilst there are gays that can fit into that group, not all gay men are like that. We are all individuals.
I don't carry that type of voice myself. All my friends can verify that.
Agree :3 .
I was raised by women, grew up in a family that's dominated by women and mostly had girls for friends growing up, but that's a coincedence on my part. Despite this, I'm no good at fashion (though I can co-ordinate an outfit :p ), I don't like to gossip really(okay, a tiny bit >.> ) and I don't walk around with a purse or wear make-up.
I'll admit I have a "feminine" way of talking if you will, but that's just because I've been talking that way since young, growing up around females and all. I didn't realize this, until someone video taped me talking to a crowd in Florida(had to introduce ourselves). I was like, "wahh?":confused: lol. Never realized that's how I talked, because it was just so normal for me, I couldn't change it if I tried now.
Mind you, it's not over dramatic like in the movies/t.v shows. More like Tim Gun the fasion designer, only not so deep :p .
In my case, it just so happened that I wasn't exposed to much male on male interaction, aside from my uncle, so I didn't develop the "normal" way of talking. Plus with our accent, everything sounds dramatic, cause it's like a mix of British/American/Carribean
