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I just have a problem here.
I guess my voice does not sound feminine because the customer service operators automatically call me sir over the phone when I call them.
The problem is that I tend to speak softly. Its like how a gentle girl would speak. I have been made fun a lot of times about this. I have been imitated by others countless of times. Its quite hurtful.
The time which I was quite shocked was when I had a speech competition and I was hearing my voice recording after the event. I could not believe it. It sounded like a guy with deep voice trying to speak softly like a girl. I really felt embarrassed and bad about myself.
I have tried changing the way i talk but its impossible. I have failed many times miserably and I feel disgusted.
My worry is: Will most people consider such guys like a turn-off? Will people look down on me or think lowly about me because of this? Many times, I choose not to speak to many people because I'm afraid they will start teasing me for my voice.
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Sorry, an addition to the previous post.
Will I be able to still make friends and have a healthy social life?
It hurts when people stare at you when you talk.
1. Your recorded voice is to be despised and hated. EVERYONE has an issue with their recorded voice. Simply because what we hear is a unique perspective of our own voice. Cracked dot com did a piece on that not to long ago.
2. Softer speaking is what most guys with a deep voice do. I speak so softly I just don't talk! simply because I fear I will be confused with a dominate/angry/aggressive personality which I do not have.
3. Softer is preferred by many, who fear a loud/shrill voice as loud/shrill reminds of babies screaming for attention which for humans is a horrible/distressing sound.
4 *and lastly* Its your attending behaviors that will mark you. If your are totally fem, it will draw attention and most of that negative.
This is mostly due to a decidedly 20th century take on what manhood means... Its old fashioned and out of date....
Hey, being a macho dude, That soft talking turns me on. when I go out, I look for guys like you.
MOSTLY because I always get my way and they give in quickly. Ohhh, but afterwards I'll stroke your hair and whisper in your ear, how great you are--(with a little reach around) seriously it's all good. there are people out there like me, thirsting for you. However, I really don't have problems getting guys. but the subject is so cute and touches my soul.
OMG--Welcome to Late Night, with Jimmy Echo.
I wouldn't say disgusting, nobody will find your voice disgusting.
Sorry to tell you this...
but guys with masculine soft voices will bone me up in 3.4 sexonds. So do shy guys and guys who blush real easy. Soft male voices are like porny music to me. That was the thing that drew me to my guy the minute we met and I've got a good straight friend who has a real soft voice (and he's just too damned cute) When he starts talking my loud obnoxious butt will go silent just to listen to him talk, just dazed.
My guy knows he can manipulate me into anything he wants me to do with that soft voice of his. With him or any guy with a soft masculine voice ---- I CANNOT GET CLOSE ENOUGH FAST ENOUGH.
I have a soft voice and I wouldn't change it. It suits me. I can't imagine myself with a strong voice - it would be comical.
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I think a lot of people are dissatisfied with their voices. I'm not a fan of mine, I wish it was deeper. I'm sure no one will despise you or find you disgusting because of your voice.
![[Image: 51806835273_f5b3daba19_t.jpg]](
<<< It's mine!
I can understand where your coming from but the truth is that the more people get to know you then they associate your voice with you, they may make comments but people do that especially in a group about anything that is out of what they class as the norm/perfection...if you suddenly changed your voice then that may attract even more comments - id love to say love your voice but im sure your really bothered by it. but maybe more than other people actually are - the one thing I may say which would be hard for you when meeting people is speak with confidence and clarity - people will automatically pic that confident tone up from you and may stop any kind of problem before it starts