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Holidays... Whos been where and what ya do :)
Hello All,
I figured id create a topic of holidays and places you have been and visited... Where was the furtherest you have been and how did ya gert there also any holidays from hell???

Well i might as well go first

The furthest i have gone for a holiday is Glasgow - Scotland... I had a crap day at work and thought i cant be bothered i got three days off and want to go away so i got in the car and figured id drive as far as i can until the warning light comes on and I ended up driving from Brighton in the south east of england to Glasgow about 600 miles which took 9 hours to get there but finding a BNB wasnt a problem thanks to google... I enjoyed my time there and saw some of the town met some of the local folk and despite getting the piss ripped for being english i did kind of say something kinda daring you dont usually say to a scotsman.... Unlike us english sweetie we can do one thing you cant despite us all being on the mainland of the UK and that is accept the fact that english and scottish along with welsh are BRITISH lol... It was a good laugh and i experienced for the first time Haggis and it was really nice as id never tried it before...

I have visited cardiff for a break before along with pontypridd in wales when i was 15 and had friends there... I have travelled for a day trip to Disneyland Paris and that was a horrible piss poor performance of a day out because the place had carnivals every 20 minutes, people were rude and i was tricked into going on Space Mountain because my brother told me that it shoots you up and you get off the top... Like hell does it it then drops u into darkness where you scream like a big girl petrified of what may happen and upon exiting you realise you've not only lost half ya change from being thrown upside down and inside out but also potentially shit yourself with trauma lol...

I visited Butlins in Bognor Regis and this was the holiday from hell as a child... Very boring usually filled with crap entertainers and afdter two days your bored... One chalet we stayed in got infested with Ants and im not talking of 200 or 300 try 20,000 - 30,000 and the park rep wouldnt change our chalet so we ended up kipping in the car... Never ever going there again hate butlins

I plan for my next proper holiday to be abroad and I am saving up to travel to India.. A friend of mine regularly goes to Goa in india and he said to get a room in a hotel for the night it is £6. When he got fined by the police for driving a motorbike and giving his helmet to his passenger he was fined £3 lol... Jesus thats cheap considering here its £80 or so fine for something of the same offence...

Kindest regards

zeon x

it's hard to believe that Haggis is really that great Smile Well, maybe one day I try it too. I have never been to England, but I know your landscape is beautiful. The British English is harder for me to understand than American though Smile By "American" I mean the one that is spoken in hollywood movies Smile I am sure I would have hard time understanding in some parts of America too.

I love your Paris trip LOL

Never been to India either. I was lucky to travel quite a lot in the past, and it was usually nice, hostels, backpack, little restaurants, a lot of free time. The holiday from hell was in Cambodia during the military coup. Army tanks, shooting, being evacuated by huge US helicopter, martial law, flying away from demaged airport. On the other hand, I felt quite safe and I love thinking about Cambodia. People were very nice and the sightseeing was breathtaking.

I had two trips from hell to California. First at 15 my mother thought it would be relaxing to send me by myself to California where I would stay with my grandfather and my Aunt Peggy. They live in the middle of nowhere in Santa Maria California (not to far from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch). It's in the middle of nowhere halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
My avaunt Peggy is "quite the character", she wanted me to give her all my spending money so she could "supervise how I use it", my mother nixed this idea and said she'd feel more comfortable if I used it. My aunt was furious.
Then I headed off to L.A. Where I actually had a good time. I visited Disneyland and several theme parks, saw everything in L.A. And had a great time. Except for one little episode with my mothers cousins., let's call her "Dodo" (that's what they called her as a kid). I went to my where they bought a house in an Earthquake zone, so it was all on one floor so it eas like 100 feet from the living room to the front door. When Dodo's sister came I mistook her for a maid (you see my relatives have dark complexions like Latinos and everybody there used Mexicans for cheap labor, strangely my skin is alabaster pale where as they have the same complexion of say Kim Kardashian who is of the same ethnicity). She was very angry about this and as I tried to apologize to her my grandfather piped in "of course he doesn't remember you, you're at least 20 pounds fatter from when he last saw you"-this didn't help. My grandfather later said he was "just mending things"-yeah right. After I left Dodo called practically every person in CA to tell them how rude I was.
Upon returning from Santa Maria a few weeks later Peggy got her revenge as I had spent most of my money in L.A. During the heart of my vacation, she had me pay for every bite of food that I ate, as she can't cook, it added up.
Then my birthday came, she invited two distant relatives over that day. She said she was going out with their daughter and that I shouldn't come, I thought that this was a cue that she was going out to buy me cake and maybe a small present. She got a cake all right, but it was for the distant relatives' wedding anniversary. She completely forgot my 15'th birthday.
She always had a rivalry with my other Aunt from back home. She tried to ply me with alcohol and then asked me all kinds of personal questions about my other Aunt from back home. She wasn't to happy when I only had one glass of wine and said that I wasn't in the mood for Tequila.
Finally I got step throat from her younger son (she took him to the doctor to get antibiotics). Having just spent a fortune on her older son's 5'th birthday, she claimed that she didn't have the money to send me to the doctor, she said I didn't have anything serious anyway. The infection progressed until I could barely eat or drink. I had to go to the emergency room, when I got there she said that she had my mother's permission to act as my guardian, I replied that she had no such permission, so the doctor called my mother who told him "don't trust my sister just do what my son says", she was angry and had to be escorted out by hospital security. Upon examining me the coctor said had a waited any longer I would have gotten "rheumatic fever", a painful condition where the strep enters your blood stream and you need to be hospitalized and treated with I.V. antibiotics. He said if she were my mother he would have called child protective services. Besides giving me a powerful antibiotic he gave me 10 tablets of Vicodin, a powerful narcotic painkiller, because he said he wanted me to start eating immediately.
She was furious about the Vicodin and told everyone I was an addict.
Finally it was time to go home, she didn't want to drive me to LAX airport so she put me on a small plane to L.A. You know those small planes that only hold 4 passengers, where you feel a lot of turbulence, that was the kind of plane.
Arriving at LAX the airline lost my E-ticket, they found it just after my plane departured. They were very sorry and gave me a ticket for the next day and put me up in a luxurious 4 star hotel and gave me a credit card for room service. They did this so I wouldnt sue, as I was an unaccompanied minor, but it was actually kind of fun.
When I made it home, she sent me an itemized list of everything a ate and the price she wanted me to pay for everything including the bill for the small airplane. My mom refused to pay.
This post is too long already, let's just say that the second time around, at least I was an adult and I wasn't traveling alone.
I swear every word of this is true without any embellishments. It just seems so surreal.

Why had your mother even sent you there? At least she stood for you everytime you needed support. I asure you this is far worse than my holiday experience.

I've been away from the rock(Bermuda) twice in my life.

Once when I was eleven in Florida, for 3months

and again last year when I was 17(before my 18th birthday) for 2weeks for a performance.

Both times I was payed for, cause I don't come from much, but both times I had so much fun.

The first time I went :

I went with my BFF, who is also my cousin and we went to his aunt, my great aunt's house. We played in her pool, went rollerblading (which I enjoy, maybe alittle too much), saw exotic animals(to us anyway) and over all exploring. This was probably one of the best times of my life and I remember every detail almost vividly.

How we grow up, and how people outside our island grow up is so different and I was fascinated. Right outside my great aunt's house, there was a pond full of crocodiles and we found a water snake in her pool one night. You would never see these things here, so we were amazed. We also saw an armadillo and vultures and other big animals we don't have here, even an elephant at the zoo, to which I literally screamed, cause I've never seen something so huge before.

When we went rollerblading, I discovered I had a knack for it, cause I was skating with the big kids in no time(they were probably 17-19 at the time), though my cousin wasn't so good and chose to watch me instead. I fell on my butt a couple times and met alot of people. We don't have rollerblading places here, you'd have to search a smooth enough place to, and even then it wouldn't be much. I also experienced my first goths out t here, with their spiked rainbow mohawks and make-up and then two of the guys kissed, and I was like :o . You' d never see this here either, especially two guys kissing.

We went all over the place, Daytona, Ripleys, All you can eat buffets, Sonic. It was a brand new experience to me and makes me want travel all over.
The Second time in Florida:

About 15-18 of us went abroad last year in april for about 2weeks to do a performance in Walt Disney's park. We actually only performed for about half of the first week and relaxed for the rest. We saw magicians and clowns and jugglers and went on rides and what not. Few of us would go about 10mins down the road from our hotel to a store that sold basically everything and would hang out there and buy things we needed (chips/soda/toothpaste :p lol ). We always went in atleast pairs, although I went alone once and was almost hit by a car at almost 11pm! People don't drive on our roads that late, so I was shocked to see people still driving, almost until 2am!

We had to share rooms, so we could cut down on how much money we had to pay. I luckily got to share a room with a close friend of mine who's a master drummer, at 18! We also grew up together, but went to different middle schools. We were the oldest and the only two in a room, while everyone else was 3 to a room. He treats me like his wife, everywhere we go and went out there. He held onto my passport, because he said it's not safe to leave it around, he held onto both our room keys, because I had trouble one time opening the door and he even told me to not get lost and watch out for strangers and blah blah blah. I was like "geez, let me have some fun" and he would just laugh. He's still my bud, but when it comes to safety, he treats me like a girl and he has this "male complex" where he feels like he needs to protect people who are weaker.

We went on rollercoasters and went to McDonalds(my first time ever!) and to a Wendys. We also saw the Blue Man Group and one of them touched my hair!!!! I had long braided hair at the time and it was braided into a mohawk (much to everyone elses chagrin). It drew alot of attention to us, because it was sorta tall. I got people asking me to take pictures of me and my hair, cause I guess black people out there don't get their hair braided into mohawks? It's not uncommon here. I even had my picture posted in a Electronic City in the mall. Kind of flattering actually.

I also got to meet a few of the princesses (snow white/cinderella/etc) and I was like "OMG WASSUP BITCHES?" Smile . I was really excited, so don't blame me. Needless to say, a few of the people with me were embarrased :p. I was like "forget y'all, I'm gonna go meet mickey" and I got a mickey mouse hat and my friend (the drummer) got a lady to throw confetti on me, because it was my first time in Disney. Everyone else in the group had already been. I even got a pin from the lady that says "First Time" and I was like, "I lost my Disney-ginity..." lol.
[Image: IMG_0801.jpg]

Then before we left, we were indoctrinated into the Disney's Ear for the Arts society and recieved pins and bags too. If we decided to go back out there, we'd be allowed to play there, as we are honorary members.
[Image: IMG_0802.jpg]

Not the whole stories, but enough :p.

I will be going away to Hertfordshire England to stay with my aunt, because I'm going to music school out there. All my siblings live with their parents in england as well, so I'll be able to see them as well. Smile So stay tuned :p lol

not really traveling that much but out for Christmas

spent about a week with my partner's family.
they live in a rural area that is not an accepting environment
they are very religious
only moderate education

still in all my partner was out when he was 5 years old. He never spent a day in the closet

pellaz Wrote:still in all my partner was out when he was 5 years old. He never spent a day in the closet

I still don't even know what this "closet" thing is.

If I remember right, a closet is for clothes and shoes, not people :p.

It's good to know I'm not the only one that's been out since childhood Confusedmile: . More people should be like your partner Dazzler1 .

better late than never, at least i handled it better than average

Nick9 Wrote:it's hard to believe that Haggis is really that great Smile Well, maybe one day I try it too. I have never been to England, but I know your landscape is beautiful. The British English is harder for me to understand than American though Smile By "American" I mean the one that is spoken in hollywood movies Smile I am sure I would have hard time understanding in some parts of America too.

I love your Paris trip LOL

Never been to India either. I was lucky to travel quite a lot in the past, and it was usually nice, hostels, backpack, little restaurants, a lot of free time. The holiday from hell was in Cambodia during the military coup. Army tanks, shooting, being evacuated by huge US helicopter, martial law, flying away from demaged airport. On the other hand, I felt quite safe and I love thinking about Cambodia. People were very nice and the sightseeing was breathtaking.

The thing with england is its got different sceneries all around it some parts like the new forest can look like your in another country with odd plants able to grow./... Should visit sometime can see the country in a few days its only 500 odd miles long and 300 wide lol

I love Space Mt.

Well, the farthest I have been would probably be the coast of North Carolina . . . around 2000 miles from where I live . . . around the same distance as Liverpool is to Moscow if you go by train. We were there visiting my Aunt for Christmas when I was a kid. She was in the navy, so we toured the base at Norfolk. My parents have this sick fascination with learning while on trips, so we also toured a bunch of historical sights like Williamsburg and Jamestown. In Williamsburg, you can buy handcrafted pottery and tools and food prepared as it would have been in 18th century. I remember liking the apple cider and the Queen Anne's Cake.

I've only traveled outside of the United States once, and that was to Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was a nice little city. There was some kind of festival going on their at the time that we went to (there were bagpipes involved). We also camped for a while at lake Winnipeg. It was lovely, but I was eaten alive by mosquitoes. Again, we went to museums. At one museum, they were having a lecture on 19th century costumes, with a focus on undergarments.

I have traveled a lot inside the country. I have been to California several times, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas (around San Antonio and the Gulf Coast), North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, and Washington D.C.

I was supposed to go visit my brother in Hawaii and spend a week there, but about a month before the trip, he ended up splitting with his wife. So, I had to transfer the ticket. I ended up going to San Francisco instead, which was a good time.

My favorite trip, I have a hard time determining . . . . nope, nope. I just remembered. I am a big fan of nature. When I was 18 my grandparents bought us all a New Years in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons.

Since it was winter, we traveled in a snow coach. We stayed at a lodge just between the two parks, and It was desolate. We saw, perhaps, 50 people besides ourselves while we were there, 50 people in 3,500 square miles. But, it was very beautiful. The water falls were frozen over, but the hot springs were open, and the swans and otters were swimming in them and playing on the banks. Everyday we stopped at one of the ranger's stations and had hot cocoa with them. I remember one of the rangers being rather cute.

[Image: SnowCoach2.jpg]

[Image: yelw11_swans0871bh500.jpg]

[Image: yellowstone.jpg]

[Image: yelw08_midway8989bh850.jpg]

[Image: Tetons-4-Full.jpg]

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