How can you tell if you are being cruised/ or if another guy is interested (Stranger)? Any secret signlanguage or something I am missing? lol..
I can never tell, I think, maybe, but never ballsy enough to engage...
Hi rjay!. Perhaps when one guy is interested in you and wants to let you know this indirectly, he may look at you constantly. An example: Many years ago I joined a group of friends in a Discotheque, and I saw a guy  mile:that captured my interest.. I was very shy, so I wouldn´t approach him and engage. I forget about the issue, and continued dancing and chit-chatting with my pals  , and suddenly an unexpected moment occured... I happened to see him again, and he was looking at me  ***Gee, I was frozen and petrified*** I tried to not pay attention to him, but 3 minutes later I looked at him again and he kept his look firm  mile:...the same happened 5 minutes later  mile:, and 10 minutes later  mile:...That was really an awkward moment for me  , because I wasn´t used to this, but guess what?. A friend of mine figured it out:biggrin:, and he made the introductions (oh, my dear friend the matchmaker). I´ll never forget that experience  .
Maybe another sign is the corporal proximity. If the other guy "accidentally" bumps with you  while your dancing more than 5 times  looking at you furtively, follows or stalks you repeatedly  , tends to smile  mile: or wink to you  everytime he sees you...he may be interested. It depends on the kind of guys, if they are shy  , outgoing  , insecure:frown:, daring  . There aren´t universal rules, but maybe you can start paying more attention to the expression on their faces and movements. You´ll notice something, and you´ll know when the other dude is eager to come up to you and break the ice. Or perhaps you can try to talk to him for a change, I dunno, ask him about his pet    or the weather... Go for it tiger  , try it out and tell us all about it!. I wish you lots of luck, Hugs!
A lot of people use apps like Grindr for cruising these days.
Sustained eye contact is a good sign.
Staring is just blatant.
StarletHologram Wrote:Hi rjay!. Perhaps when one guy is interested in you and wants to let you know this indirectly, he may look at you constantly. An example: Many years ago I joined a group of friends in a Discotheque, and I saw a guy mile:that captured my interest.. I was very shy, so I wouldn´t approach him and engage. I forget about the issue, and continued dancing and chit-chatting with my pals , and suddenly an unexpected moment occured... I happened to see him again, and he was looking at me ***Gee, I was frozen and petrified*** I tried to not pay attention to him, but 3 minutes later I looked at him again and he kept his look firm mile:...the same happened 5 minutes later mile:, and 10 minutes later mile:...That was really an awkward moment for me , because I wasn´t used to this, but guess what?. A friend of mine figured it out:biggrin:, and he made the introductions (oh, my dear friend the matchmaker). I´ll never forget that experience .
Maybe another sign is the corporal proximity. If the other guy "accidentally" bumps with you while your dancing more than 5 times looking at you furtively, follows or stalks you repeatedly , tends to smile mile: or wink to you everytime he sees you...he may be interested. It depends on the kind of guys, if they are shy , outgoing , insecure:frown:, daring . There aren´t universal rules, but maybe you can start paying more attention to the expression on their faces and movements. You´ll notice something, and you´ll know when the other dude is eager to come up to you and break the ice. Or perhaps you can try to talk to him for a change, I dunno, ask him about his pet  or the weather... Go for it tiger , try it out and tell us all about it!. I wish you lots of luck, Hugs! 
Why are you the best ? We are thankfull for having you really, no comment! keep it up  mile:
I think the signs to understanding lies in body language i mean if they walk past and eye you up that would be an obvious sign to begin with
Kindest regards
zeon x
StarletHologram Wrote:Hi rjay!. Perhaps when one guy is interested in you and wants to let you know this indirectly, he may look at you constantly. An example: Many years ago I joined a group of friends in a Discotheque, and I saw a guy mile:that captured my interest.. I was very shy, so I wouldn´t approach him and engage. I forget about the issue, and continued dancing and chit-chatting with my pals , and suddenly an unexpected moment occured... I happened to see him again, and he was looking at me ***Gee, I was frozen and petrified*** I tried to not pay attention to him, but 3 minutes later I looked at him again and he kept his look firm mile:...the same happened 5 minutes later mile:, and 10 minutes later mile:...That was really an awkward moment for me , because I wasn´t used to this, but guess what?. A friend of mine figured it out:biggrin:, and he made the introductions (oh, my dear friend the matchmaker). I´ll never forget that experience .
Maybe another sign is the corporal proximity. If the other guy "accidentally" bumps with you while your dancing more than 5 times looking at you furtively, follows or stalks you repeatedly , tends to smile mile: or wink to you everytime he sees you...he may be interested. It depends on the kind of guys, if they are shy , outgoing , insecure:frown:, daring . There aren´t universal rules, but maybe you can start paying more attention to the expression on their faces and movements. You´ll notice something, and you´ll know when the other dude is eager to come up to you and break the ice. Or perhaps you can try to talk to him for a change, I dunno, ask him about his pet  or the weather... Go for it tiger , try it out and tell us all about it!. I wish you lots of luck, Hugs! 
Starlet is gayer than me :o , cause he uses more emotes than me :p j/k lol.
I don't particularly care whether or not someone's interested in me or not, because I'm trying to focus on getting on up out of here and getting my Music Degree, so almost everything else fades (except my animals and friends/family).
My mom's a direct person, because of that, I'm a direct person, although I tend to hold back abit, because I don't like to hurt people's feelings, so I'm not very bashful (although I can pretend to be  ) when it comes to attention.
I would say, go up to him, grab him by the waist or throw your arms around his neck (depending on your preference :p ) and kiss the hell out of him :o . Okay, so maybe not that extreme, but just go up to him and ask him about stuff, like Starlet said, and if he rejects you, don't take it personally, life is too short to take rejection and all that other crap seriously.
The world works in mysterious ways, every mistake and regret in life is a lesson to be learned and things will only happen to you, if you can handle it, because my mom says, "You're never given more than you can handle" , so if he rejects you, obviously you weren't meant to have him, because you couldn't handle whatever it is he's going through or could go through or even add that to whatever you're going through.
Things always work themselves out  . Remember; Confidence is Key  .
I beg :eek:your pardon:confused: QueenOdie ? What  makes  you  think  that  ? Right  , you might say:tongue: that  , hahahaha
Andaluzativo , many thanks  , I appreciate your comments!