Have you recieved abuse, verbal or physical just bacause you're gay?
I havn't really, well nothing to major, but i know 2 people who have been quite badly abused...
one of them came out when she was fifteen, to her best friend who she thought she could trust with her secret.. the next day she got beaten up by a group of 25 girls.. she was quite badly injured and very shook up as im sure you can imagine..
another girl was in london when she asked a man the directions to a gay bar. because of this the man decided to beat he senseless. she was very badly beaten and could have easily died (a small woman battered by a huge guy isn't exactly gonna come out too good right). so anyway she was very very shook up and scared to go out for sometime, she still gets worried today, and can't get rid of the terrible memories that haunt her.
i can't beleve that we can get treated this badly just for being gay.
i was just wondering if anyone else has been treated so badly for their sexual orientation or knows of anyone that has?
I havent been bothered yet, but I don't go spewing flowers and sparkles every where I go.... there are those that have been smacked around some, but those tend to be the more... flamboyant types.
I know drunk straight boys will drive up and down our "gay strip" spewing hate words, occassionally they will "try" and run someone over, but never do.
I've never been called anything about my sexuality, but I'm also not a small guy and not afraid of a fight.
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I had a few names and that but nothing serious...
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
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Your gf is 20 years older??? Woah big difference..
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
This begs the bigger question, what's up with people in general who's answer to something...anything...that they don't agree with violence? I mean jesus christ..."where's the gay bar?" This is enough to beat someone half to death? How about...I don't know..just walking away?!
We try and pretend that we are so civilized and the reality is, so many people are a moment away from being some....cave man. Is there no compassion or manners or civility or empathy anymore? To tell your child that's what AIDS us for? Mother fucker! Your child?
Why would anyone think it's ok to hit someone else for any reason (how about your using your brain ) other than self defense? Talk about fear and ignorance. Maybe we should step back and let another animal have a chance....several thousand years and we've only really managed to change the wrapping (while destroying the planet).
Freaks me out.
I have not experienced and homophobia in central London when I have been out there its not a problem for me there. I have witnessed it in King's X though when some guy called my mate a faggot, my mate turned round and floored the guy with one punch we walked on.
I have been subjected to homophobia in work by a guy who started a few weeks ago, I went to the manager complained and the guy has now been fired.
Homophobia is still very much a real pronblem for the Gay Community but it is something which we must not tolerate, we must fight it through the proper channels as I did or through your own means as my mate did when no-one else could help.
Do not tolerate it.
Wow sorry about your friend that's a real bummer.
Here in Australia our very own Oxford St has become a homophobic and violent place to be. It's no longer what was once referred to as "The Golden Mile" and that's largely due to a combination of gay businesses and bars closing down and a couple of new straight bars that attract those types of people.
In fact Oxford St has become so dangerous a Safe Place has been opened there where people who get harassed or bashed (as so often happens there now, on a Friday night 4 or 5 on average) can run to for refuge. No-one seems to be using it at present as it's only been there for two weeks.