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chit chat with an over 50 for giggles
Holland, just for the record, and not to offend everyone else, but I don't think you're a bad person and if you feel bullied, then of course I'm going to feel bad, whether you're BS-ing or not. I haven't even read the other pages, so I'm just saying this, based on what I know of you so far.

I've been bullied most of my life, as I'm sure alot of other people here have been too, so when some says they're being bullied or feel bullied, I don't become skeptical, but I try to console them, because it's what I wish people would've done for me.

I want you to take a deep breath, get a pillow and scream into it. And once you've done that, reflect on what makes you happy/ doesn't and then sort your priorities through that. If being here makes you unhappy, then i'm sad to say that maybe you should take a break for abit, but I atleast would be willing to hear you out, no matter what dumb or stupid or intimidating crap you've got to say, because if you have a mental issue or a social issue, you need some form of release, which is why I assume you joined this site, because it's not good to keep it bottled in.

Though I will suggest that, because other members take what you say for face value and do not appreciate it, maybe you can say things that they like?

Most of us here like and own Animals, especially Fenris and I. We all pretty much like music. We like comedies and silly things to make us laugh. And even if you don't like these things, you can easily post something that you like, and who knows? Someone may like it too, and then you can talk about it with us/them, but negative things, such as saying Transgender operations are a mistake or other sensitive things, are things people will react strongly to.

I don't want you to feel bullied and I'm willing to stand up for you, but you have to change some of the negative views you have, especially relating to GLBT issues, and instead focus on positivity.

You can post your rants and things that upset you, but you can't make it offensive to others who may actually be afflicted with what makes you upset or know someone who is afflicted with something you don't like.

Even if you are angry, or upset with something or society in general, don't make it offensive to others, because then you're going to have people angry at you, and you're going to be even more angry and then it's just going to fester until you get fed up, like I think you are now.

I just want everyone to be happy and I hope you're willing to share with us, without being offensive or negative, what makes you upset and maybe we can help you and then you'll have to be willing to atleast make a few changes on how you approach people.

I'm not offended by you, nor have a problem with you, so I'll probably be the only one to tell you this. Even if everyone else turns their backs on you, I'll still be willing to hear what you have to say Smile .


(No offense to anybody. Just being a peace-for-all hippy Smile )

You are truly a kind soul Queeny Smile
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.

How is anyone supposed to speak their mind , when you take a different opinion as a personal attack and then scream "victim". ?

Or my personals favorite , that you accused me of once, hating you.
Stop jumping to assumptions , I doubt very much mrk2010 hates you , just like me he does not know you well enough to hate you.

My father beat down everyone around him ...he enjoyed it immensely. It gave him pleasure. He was completely negative and if he saw that you weren't miserable he would dump a load of crap on you and watch in amusement as you tried to get out from under it.

...and if you had the "nerve" to stand up to him he became a whiny little victim in a flash...and then turned it around on you. He made me sick to my stomach. "Show me when I said this/what I said/why you are treating me like this/how can you say such a thing to me" he whined...I considered him to be insane and evil and possessed. If you answered him and actually showed him he would twist your words until you just wanted to barf. He antagonized you on purpose. The reason he asked was to engage you...he already knew when/what/where./when/how...not because he needed an answer. Everyone else was always the problem...never him.

The reason he and others like him get away with it? They always have a support system...a line of people who make excuses for them. The damage he did to everyone around him was immense. I always despised the people who made excuses for him more than I hated him because they should have known better.

Eventually I ignored him and he ceased to exist to me. Best thing I ever did for myself.

East Wrote:My father beat down everyone around him ...he enjoyed it immensely. It gave him pleasure. He was completely negative and if he saw that you weren't miserable he would dump a load of crap on you and watch in amusement as you tried to get out from under it.

...and if you had the "nerve" to stand up to him he became a whiny little victim in a flash...and then turned it around on you. He made me sick to my stomach. "Show me when I said this/what I said/why you are treating me like this/how can you say such a thing to me" he whined...I considered him to be insane and evil and possessed. If you answered him and actually showed him he would twist your words until you just wanted to barf. He antagonized you on purpose. The reason he asked was to engage you...he already knew when/what/where./when/how...not because he needed an answer. Everyone else was always the problem...never him.

The reason he and others like him get away with it? They always have a support system...a line of people who make excuses for them. The damage he did to everyone around him was immense. I always despised the people who made excuses for him more than I hated him because they should have known better.

Eventually I ignored him and he ceased to exist to me. Best thing I ever did for myself.

and you think im your virtual scapegoat?-hit me- im a pinata

QueenOdi Wrote:Holland, just for the record, and not to offend everyone else, but I don't think you're a bad person and if you feel bullied, then of course I'm going to feel bad, whether you're BS-ing or not. I haven't even read the other pages, so I'm just saying this, based on what I know of you so far.

I've been bullied most of my life, as I'm sure alot of other people here have been too, so when some says they're being bullied or feel bullied, I don't become skeptical, but I try to console them, because it's what I wish people would've done for me.

I want you to take a deep breath, get a pillow and scream into it. And once you've done that, reflect on what makes you happy/ doesn't and then sort your priorities through that. If being here makes you unhappy, then i'm sad to say that maybe you should take a break for abit, but I atleast would be willing to hear you out, no matter what dumb or stupid or intimidating crap you've got to say, because if you have a mental issue or a social issue, you need some form of release, which is why I assume you joined this site, because it's not good to keep it bottled in.

Though I will suggest that, because other members take what you say for face value and do not appreciate it, maybe you can say things that they like?

Most of us here like and own Animals, especially Fenris and I. We all pretty much like music. We like comedies and silly things to make us laugh. And even if you don't like these things, you can easily post something that you like, and who knows? Someone may like it too, and then you can talk about it with us/them, but negative things, such as saying Transgender operations are a mistake or other sensitive things, are things people will react strongly to.

I don't want you to feel bullied and I'm willing to stand up for you, but you have to change some of the negative views you have, especially relating to GLBT issues, and instead focus on positivity.

You can post your rants and things that upset you, but you can't make it offensive to others who may actually be afflicted with what makes you upset or know someone who is afflicted with something you don't like.

Even if you are angry, or upset with something or society in general, don't make it offensive to others, because then you're going to have people angry at you, and you're going to be even more angry and then it's just going to fester until you get fed up, like I think you are now.

I just want everyone to be happy and I hope you're willing to share with us, without being offensive or negative, what makes you upset and maybe we can help you and then you'll have to be willing to atleast make a few changes on how you approach people.

I'm not offended by you, nor have a problem with you, so I'll probably be the only one to tell you this. Even if everyone else turns their backs on you, I'll still be willing to hear what you have to say Smile .


(No offense to anybody. Just being a peace-for-all hippy Smile )

you sound nice -have a nice life

dfiant Wrote:Your best bet is to simply ignore him. Trying to help him or offer him advice he simply turns himself into a victim and makes you look like you are attacking him.

If he posts something that offends you, there are features for you to report him. I'm more than happy for him to have him own thread if it stops him from walking into all the other threads and punching everyone in the face just so we know he is there.

praying you'll practice what you preach -just ignore me

Zet Wrote:The only place that is an Anarchy (Was) today is Internet, it can be cruel, and obviously very educational.

But if you suffer from Stress and Depression then try to relax more. As you've stated many times, try to take some Vitamin D and go for a nice walk in the sun or a walk in the woods, try meditation and other relaxation techniques.

But frankly, I am not trying to bash you but the links and threads you have been linking aren't really supporting your condition either. As life can be harsh and cruel, everyone knows that, and politics are just a game... I support people who is is trying to better them self and trying to stand up against an unjust system but bashing others for believing and have other opinions on an matter doesn't makes you a saint either.

As an examples with the threads with you and Dfiant, that there is the same amount of bashing from your view as from his view. "There takes 2 to tango", "Everything has 2 sides".

And also when you spoke about Swedish emigration about Muslims being offensive against Jews, but you (-) Seemed very offensive against Muslims as well. I my self don't like to discuss about things like that as there is just so much double moral on all fronts. I can understand on the other hand how Muslims (Palestinians) can hate Jews as frankly speaking Israel is behaving just like Nazi Germany behaved against Jews, Palestinians have the same right to that land as the Jews as its they're birth country. Frankly Israel has belong to the Palestinian people longer then the Jews, and suddenly after WW2 USA just declared that country to the Jews without even considering the native population and now they are trying they're best to drive the Muslim population out, and only thinks that they would be saluted for that fact and doesn't really take responsibility for they're actions. In fact the word "Palestina" translated actually means Israel.

If you are going to post serious posts, YOU got to be able to handle backlash. Everyone has different thoughts on things and everyones opinion needs to be respected but IF you are wrong, don't take it to personally, as I might find you do. Do me a favor and try to look at the others perspective instead of being so harsh to judge please Smile As said, there is always 2 sides, no matter if the wining side is right or not will the loosing side looked frowned upon.

If you are sick don't bury your self to deep in dark thoughts, I remembered when I was feeling really down and almost killed my self, and I've tried all my best to improve from that point on to be a better man and to be happy. It feels like from time to time that you need help as well but its hard to help someone who obviously don't want to get the help he is being offered.

Try to put your dissatisfaction into something useful, use it as fuel to change the community into something better then bashing others for not thinking the same way as you, but you have to be open minded and always see what the others see as well, as you might and will be, as I might be as wrong as anyone else on this planet as everyone is human, we live on an unjust and imperfect world, there is no perfect society, there is no perfect religion, there is no perfect ideology, everything has flaws and thats what makes every great struggle a thing worth remembering in the history books, you got to learn from your's and other mistakes as other ways the history will only repeat is self and the only thing we can do about it is to prevent same events reoccurring and that is what success is about.

Definition of insanity according to Einstein is "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

you bring up many issues

the UN created israel-were they wrong?

yes even a small cult of jews agrees -see movie"the chosen"robbie benson

ive heard jews also slaughtered arabs -maybe true

the count folke bernadotte assassination was sick

guess i dont always agree with Israeli

but ive heard arabs in israel like it
one in five Israelis is a muslim

Rainbowmum Wrote:HOF,
How is anyone supposed to speak their mind , when you take a different opinion as a personal attack and then scream "victim". ?

Or my personals favorite , that you accused me of once, hating you.
Stop jumping to assumptions , I doubt very much mrk2010 hates you , just like me he does not know you well enough to hate you.

where did i say that?i dont remember

my misery
your misery
god only knows who had it worse
each day brings more...of whatever you want

i guess all in all i had pretty nice childhood even past 18 and yet my own brand of misery

maybe worse than yours

do people all compete who had it worse?

im like you father?..lol

im so isolated i interact with no one-im half dead

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