~Special Update: Rescue~
Oh wow it's been dog years since I updated here
. I keep forgetting to take pictures when I go out at night
Most of the creatures out now are majoritively bugs and frogs, not so many snails :frown: .
Anyway, Just a few minutes ago, I came across a flying cockroach[we have them alot here], but I noticed the little bugger[lol "bug"ger :biggrin: ] couldn't fly, cause it looks like his wings/flaps were covered in spider webs.
Also one of his back legs wasn't working properly and he was dragging it behind him.
Now, I usually don't like huge roachs or spiders, but anytime I see an animal in distress/need or just in general
, I have to help it. It's a compulsion.
I caught the little fella and released him outside where he'd have a better chance at survival, then crawling around my kitchen floor where I found him and where he would've likely been squished for no reason.
I actually wasn't scared when I looked at it upclose like I thought I would be. Kinda cute in a creepy way :tongue:
Anyway, I snapped a few photos of his short, but needed rescue
[You can kinda see the cobb webs]
And off he went, into the night
mile: .
I'm really glad I stopped my Grandmother from squishing him. Now he might have a better chance out there. I would've tried to rehabilitate it, but I have no clue how to care for roaches[Other than what to feed them], so I let nature take over
I'll try to take more pictures from now on :biggrin: . But when I do officially start at the Zoo, It probably won't be as frequent