It's 5:30am, been up for an hour because it is just uncomfortable. 25.3c and over 75% humidity. Storms are predicted for today and the way it feels this morning, there is little doubt they will eventuate around lunch time or early afternoon.
Currently partly cloudy, warm & dry .. 79F/26C @ 6:32pm
Cloudy, humid 25c here, very uncomfortable
Today's Forecast:
Early morning sun, giving way to clouds and showers later in the afternoon. High chance of Banshee screaming early morning to early afternoon.
High 73 Low 54
The southern states have decided to share their cold snap with us. Woke up this morning and it was 11.7c. On with the Jumper and socks this morning...brrrr
it's about 6 at the moment , we should hit 17 if we are lucky.