Gaydude3 Wrote:I feel like a minority and people tell me I'm being closed minded but I have a strong preference and want exclusive roles in a relationship. I don't like the idea of versatility.
Is there anyone else out there who gets that for me position and role is like an orientation and I don't want to have to do something I'm not into?
Interesting :o .
I personally do not mind gender roles/exclusive roles, because It's not like it literally makes you into that gender (in the case of being the "woman" )
I think people find gender/exclusive roles too limiting and perhaps don't like the idea of being one or the other, so versatility is a safe option. Everybody is different, so what works for you, won't always be what works for them.
My family thinks I'm a bottom(or more accurately a girl), because I'm not aggressive or competitive or anything else the other males in my family are. I prefer to sit with the ladies and talk or just read a book. People assume because I come across as feminine that I'm automatically going to be the bottom, and though it's probably going to happen, it's not an absolute.
Whatever works for you is what works and why should people, especially gay people, have a problem with someone outside of the norm?
I think that it's cute

. You can put on an apron and oven mitts and pretend your the wife and he comes home with his brief case and bow tie and then he'll wisk you away to the bedroom and then you'll have babies

But seriously, like Fenris's picture states, do what makes you happy, and what your most comfortable with, forget everyone else. You're living your life for you and to make you happy, so what other people think should not even take up 1% of your mental capacity
