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To those who cheat/been cheated on
This is a general question that I would love to get some insight on...I am asking anyone who has cheated on a relationship to explain to me why? Why do it? I am hoping to get honest answers and I promise there will be no judgement...It is a question that I have been dealing with for a while and have been dying to get inside the head of those who do it.

Also Those who have had it done to them...I'd love to hear your stories, how you felt and how you have moved on from it.

Thanks Smile

Hello Kyle,
People in life cheat as a general rule because they feel that their partner cannot satisfy them or they feel curiousity gets the better... I know that being male means your sex drive is alot higher than a female and if you have a partner with a low drive you can see the other person being fustrated... People who have cheated only feel bad after they have shot because the first thing that enters the mind usually is... Was it actually worth it?? l live in a town where alot of gay people live and have known people fall out completely over it... I have had it from both aspects and to be honest when i was younger i turned to self harm and felt worthless however since the break downj i figured id never let a man get me that low again if he ishnt happy with what i got then try getting something better.... Oh wait there isnt anything lol :-p

kindest regards

zeon x

zeon Wrote:Hello Kyle,
People in life cheat as a general rule because they feel that their partner cannot satisfy them or they feel curiousity gets the better... I know that being male means your sex drive is alot higher than a female and if you have a partner with a low drive you can see the other person being fustrated... People who have cheated only feel bad after they have shot because the first thing that enters the mind usually is... Was it actually worth it?? l live in a town where alot of gay people live and have known people fall out completely over it... I have had it from both aspects and to be honest when i was younger i turned to self harm and felt worthless however since the break downj i figured id never let a man get me that low again if he ishnt happy with what i got then try getting something better.... Oh wait there isnt anything lol :-p

kindest regards

zeon x

This is a good way of putting your perspective, you present it in a very understanding way despite your own experiences. Great awareness and I feel you really gave me a mature response. As for your own darkness that you overcame...was that due to someone cheating on you? How did you rise above it?

I never promise fidelity to anyone and I do not allow anyone to promise fidelity to me. Instead...I promise not to lie to my partner. SO...technically I can never 'cheat"...the term cheating is dripping with "guilt" and "shame"..both gifts from religion that seek to control you. I have no use for it.

Oddly enough...I have been faithful sexually for 26 years...faithful as well to my promise to be honest with my lover...ironic to me how many people who promised fidelity and blew it have long ago parted ways...and wagged their fingers at me for what I believe. Ironic indeed.

Thing is...I KNOW I can promise honesty to my lover...I am never certain I can promise sexual or emotional fidelity. Sometimes life has other plans for you. I realize alot of people need to think in rigid terms but I believe in the journey of the soul and you never know what road you will be travelling on....

Some people in my former friend group had the mindset that, "if it's with your friends it's not cheating." Meaning even if we were all in a relationship we could still screw around with each other and it wasn't cheating, although these people still wouldn't dare tell they're partners at the time what they were doing. I've come to the conclusion that for some people I think sex has lost meaning. Sex is is just something fun to do and any sort of sacredness or specialness has gone from it. This is just what applies to my social circle, I'm not sure what it's like for the rest of the world.

I never cheated on any of my partners. Yet. I can't say I won't, the future is a mystery to me. Wink

I have been cheated on by at least two of my partners that I know of. Its possible that every man I been with cheated on me often, and always.

The first one devastated me. It was an 'Oh my God your ripping out my heart!' Experience.

The second one to cheat on me it was more or less a 'That figures, and its explains a lot' sort of experience.

I'm still with that second one.

About 18 months after he moved in and we set about housekeeping and making these silly vows of commitment and honesty and other meaningless things, my current partner went out, he relapsed on meth and hooked up with his ex (to get the meth) and to have marathon sex for 5 days.

While he confessed readily to having relapsed (on meth) I guess it was kind of hard to hide the fact from he that he had vanished for 5 days. It took nearly 5 years before he confessed what he really did when he was tweaking.

He picked up The virus that "last time" he relapsed. Was it the last time he relapsed? Unknown. There have been times when he has been away on vacation, with lots of time to do whatever he wanted and me not knowing.

When he came home telling me he tested positive, about 6 months after his relapse, he did confess he most likely picked it up from his ex. But he carefully explained to me that his doctor said it was possible that all of those HIV tests we had didn't pick up on the antibodies for 2 years. I bought it hook line and sinker, never actually thinking he had sex with anyone.

It took about 5 years for him to confess the whole truth. During that time I was blissfully unaware, accepting the Virus and many other things as part of life. After the fact my mood changes slightly. I spent several weeks looking back at the past 5 years and a lot of things fell into perspective. Such as the 3 year mark of our relationship where he started screaming at me one day 'You have been cheating on me!' To find out he had ordered a copy of my text messages from the cell phone company and had also installed a tracking program on my computer to see what I did when I was on line.

His 'proof' that I was cheating? A post I made on a website describing a hypothetical example of what cheating does to a relationship where I made myself into the 'cheater'. The opening lines clearly state, this is a hypothetical example.

I have a new computer, password protected, he is not allowed to so much look at let alone touch. If he ever installs software or dares to track my internet movements I will break his fingers. He knows I mean it. Privacy issues are a huge one for me - big time.

In a twist of fate, a few months after the big blow up over his belief I was cheating, his computer comes down with a nasty virus and he asks me to fix it.

In the process of searching for the virus and getting all of this stuff to clean it, he opens up his yahoo saved chats to show me a link that he went to (suspecting that that is where he picked up the computer virus) Its part of an IM cybersex chat experience of his where I got to read some very interesting things. A seriously stupid move to make if you don't want your partner to know you have cyber sex. Rolleyes

I will say it again. I married a moron, but he's my moron! :biggrin:

Come to find out he was on several dating and pick-up sites, where his profile reads 'single gay male'. More porn that you can throw a stick at, and other 'interesting' things.

It hurt a little. I viewed us as a dedicated, monogamous couple. Him, no to so much. His idea of 'cheating' and mine are worlds apart. I view his putting out pick up ads as cheating. He may not have acted on them, but still. I view cyber sex to be a form of cheating. Granted you ain't face to face with the person, but still.... He doesn't' view these things as cheating.

His guilt causes him to believe I cheat. It is an issue of his that he is working on.

His cheating causes me to believe he is cheating all the time. I'm working on that.


Well actually rarely.

No think again, I don't work on it at all. I have accepted it as one of those things I cannot change.

Currently he is in a midlife crises. I'm placing odds that he is going to go out and not just have sex, but also relapse on drugs. He has a program of recovery, but it only works if you work it. He doesn't work it.

I have told him several times to get back to meetings, call his sponsor, beware the road ahead. He chooses to ignore me. I can't change that.

I suspect he is a closeted sex addict. But I kind of knew this when we met and he went on for many hours about the hundreds if not thousands of sexual experiences and partners he had. He has done things I never knew a person could do. You name it he has done it, yes even those really outlandish things like fisting (both receiving and giving) scat, heavy S&M.... etc. :o Then there are the things he says he doesn't want to scare me with.... :o :o :o I think I really don't want to know or guess.

Considering I have only had 8 sex partners, all but two were in the 'confines' of a relationship. The worst I did was get tied up with rope once (once only) and played with hot wax. I lack the experiences thus can't imagine what its like to have had these experiences. It must be difficult to go from wild to mundane.

So why are we still together? I figure if two people can share the same house and Not throw things at one another its a pretty darn good relationship. My parents had huge screaming matches, threw stuff like punches, knives, even the Thanksgiving turkey, piping hot out of the oven flew one year in an honest attempt to tag someone.

Sure we have our blow outs. They are pretty far and few between, and usually its me blowing off steam around mid summer when I am bursting with too much energy and pacing the floors.

Most of the time its a quiet life, a nice friendly relationship. We are content, for the most part, and even happy at times.

Hey Kyle,

I've been on both ends I believe. That being said I'll start with the story of my cheating.

It happened last November with my boyfriend of 11 months. Basically there were a lit of issues in thatbrelaionship that is was too inexperienced to tackle. It was also my first relationship with a guy and I was perhaps over-committed (ironically) and didn't know when to call it quits. For the record, I'm not of the view that one should pack it in when the relationship goes south, just that one should know when to move on in order to stop hurting eachother.

One of the central issues for me was a lack of sex and intimacy; which for me are one and the same. For him sex was not such a big thing. Our love life was infrequent and patchy at best and eventually I just succumbed to lust. In my opinion it was that simpe; it was a combination of my frustration and his unwillingness to understand.

I found out subsequently that he had cheated on me at least once while I was abroad and possibly more trhroughout the relationship and while it hurt me to hear that, it also made me angry because he had given me such a hard time for cheating on him. My stance, cheaters and the cheated are neither of them bad, its the actions that they've hurt eachother with that are at fault.

In my 20+ years relationship I felt just once the real need to cheat.
I was in a room full of people and when he entered the room and I saw him for the first time it was literally like if everybody else disappeared. I had never felt an across-the-room pull that strong.
Several months later we went on a trip with bunch of people. He still had no idea, I had never let him know.
But, there were less beds than needed and me and the guy were assigned to share one bed. God...
I admit, I made the first move. And I was the one who stopped it several minutes later. The poor guy didn't know what hit him.
So basically it was pretty simple with me: lust and opportunity.
I am glad I experienced it, I hardly ever forget him, but I am very glad that I stopped. It would have changed the way I see myself.

I have cheated and have been cheated on.

I cheated because I was bored and wanted to feel like I was sexually attractive and wanted attention.
Most times I didnt feel guilty, but more a guilty pleasure of being naughty.

When I got cheated on, I didnt feel too devastated either.
My belief is that nothing is forever, especially human emotions and interest.
If something new comes along and is far more appealing than the old, then who is there to stop it?

For me, what pissed me off in the end was that the guy was not just cheating on me, but was cheating on a wife & daughter. Also there was a fourth party involved.
So more than being hurt or heartbroken, I felt disappointed at this guy and lost interest, so i broke it off then and there.
Too much drama, too mush self pity.

But then again, I have no rules or policies against alcohol, drug and prostitution, so that makes me a minority.

Its just that I enjoy humans and the human life with all its imperfections, so cheating etc is just another aspect of life that makes it interesting.

However, those people that cheat and then cant live with the remorse and decide to talk to their partners about it/ come clean. I think that is just pure selfishness and stupidity...
If you cant cover it up and keep it a secret, or man up when you are discovered, then dont even try it in the first place.

I have been cheated on and did it myself. Ineffective communication reduces levels of trust and commitment. This can cause someone to cheat. A relationship is about communication, trust and commitment. Just do the googles ( relationship communication trust commitment ).

I think we behave very naive; for example today there was a post on weather a profile should specify top/ bottom. We should be more concerned how easy it is to COMMUNICATE to the future partner on the important topics; drugs, sexuality, desire, self love/ external kindness. Communication is the tool we build trust and commitment.

Once a TRUST is broken, it can be difficult to repair and a big chunk of a relationship is phucked.

COMMITMENT, maybe the easy one, get a joint mortgage. We are totally committed to our selves. We need to be that way externally to the partner.

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