By "friend", do you mean the guy locked in the basement? That why we aren't allowed to see him? :tongue:
I knew a girl with such light hazel eyes it looked yellow! It was freaky yet beautiful
Lol I wish he was locked up in my basement...I mean.... *cough
Lol I know of a couple of people who have pretty hazel eyes. I get jealous really easily by people's eyes. :/
Hahaha that sounds intense, i'd like to see that.
Spades Wrote:By "friend", do you mean the guy locked in the basement? That why we aren't allowed to see him? :tongue:
I knew a girl with such light hazel eyes it looked yellow! It was freaky yet beautiful
Spades Wrote:Yea, the death penalty... So I guess I will be going to Japan :biggrin:
haha, creative mind always finds the right solution!
Not that pretty, but here is my eye  mile:
There's a lot of understating going on in your post there spades. A little too much, if you ask me. You're eyes are super beautiful. If your eyes were a cake it would be one of those cakes that someone obviously put a lot of time and effort into and I would love to have it, but it's too beautiful and if I touch it then it would be messed up forever, and so for the rest of my life I will long to know how that cake tasted and I would keep photo's of it in my scrapbook labeled, "the most beautiful cake ever" and people will see it and not be able to understand its beauty because photographs tend to take away that natural beauty of being able to see the real thing with your own eyes in person, but, nevertheless, they will see that it still contains a great amount of beauty and will still be struck with awe and therefore will long to know what it tastes like as well. The only difference is that the cake probably would have spoiled and I do not believe, or at least I hope, that your eye will start to mold extreamly fast unless stored in a fridge, where it will still mold, but the process would be much slower.
Aaaaaaaaand that was probably too descriptive. I had fun with that. I thank you for giving me that opportunity and, sir, you have VERY pretty eyes.
Cake... fridge... mold... eyes? :confused:
That was the weirdest analogy I have ever heard, but it made me laugh, for that I thank you :tongue:
And I also thank you for the compliment  mile:
PS, my trip to Japan has been cancelled due to a danger of having my eyes stolen and preserved in a bottle behind the milk :biggrin:
Mrmatty376 Wrote:There's a lot of understating going on in your post there spades. A little too much, if you ask me. You're eyes are super beautiful. If your eyes were a cake it would be one of those cakes that someone obviously put a lot of time and effort into and I would love to have it, but it's too beautiful and if I touch it then it would be messed up forever, and so for the rest of my life I will long to know how that cake tasted and I would keep photo's of it in my scrapbook labeled, "the most beautiful cake ever" and people will see it and not be able to understand its beauty because photographs tend to take away that natural beauty of being able to see the real thing with your own eyes in person, but, nevertheless, they will see that it still contains a great amount of beauty and will still be struck with awe and therefore will long to know what it tastes like as well. The only difference is that the cake probably would have spoiled and I do not believe, or at least I hope, that your eye will start to mold extreamly fast unless stored in a fridge, where it will still mold, but the process would be much slower.
Aaaaaaaaand that was probably too descriptive. I had fun with that. I thank you for giving me that opportunity and, sir, you have VERY pretty eyes. 
aha, so that's what your current mood is about
Spades Wrote:PS, my trip to Japan has been cancelled due to a danger of having my eyes stolen and preserved in a bottle behind the milk :biggrin:
And now I will have to change my mood emoticon :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Please do Nick, sad doesn't go with those shoes
Lol and that's how my mind works xD Odd, i know. But oh well. lol
No, thank you for having nice eyes lol
xD Nah, I wouldn't do that, eyes are scarey if they aren't where they're supposed to be. At most you'd be tied up in my closet. Blood makes me squeemish anyways....Aaaaaand that was super morbid xD But i promise not to touch your eyes lol
Spades Wrote:Cake... fridge... mold... eyes? :confused:
That was the weirdest analogy I have ever heard, but it made me laugh, for that I thank you :tongue:
And I also thank you for the compliment mile:
PS, my trip to Japan has been cancelled due to a danger of having my eyes stolen and preserved in a bottle behind the milk :biggrin: