Don't underestimate the stupidity of the American people
I hope Obama wins...honestly i dont want Usa leaded by a >_> (i hope nobody here is mormon lol)
I honestly hope Obama wins, Romney visited our state (South Carolina) early last month. My husband is a vetrans of the Marines and remaines active military in his position with the Department of Defense; one of Romney's campaign promises is to reinstate Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I honestly don't see how that would be possible but I certainly don't won't it to ever happen. So, as for me and my house, we are voting Obama.
I personally couldn't vote for either one of them ...
but pretty much my feeling is anyone but what we've got now though.
Obama is the less of two evils, though, Romney has a decent chance because he has the big gun campaign donors with corporate dollars, obama has single moms on welfare.
Actually, Obama is in good with major special interest dollars. I saw a break down between contributors to Romney and Obama and they were about similar. I consider Obama the lesser evil, but I also consider him corrupt and owned by the military industrial complex, Goldman Sachs, and others, and he's also appointed "fundbassadors" to special vacations as reward for raising all kinds of money for him.
I was surprised when Obama foiled special interests in trying to censor the internet (though there was a big bust of media piracy right after which I believe was to appease his disappointed contributors), but I bet he told them it was too close to the election and try to bring it up in his 2nd term.
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06-26-2012, 03:22 AM
(Edited 06-26-2012, 03:27 AM by Genersis.)
It really feels like there are more people who hate Obama than can tolerate him for another term. Or at least those people are the loudest; which isn't unlikely considering how many tantrums they throw over everything he does. (He's a socialist, Muslim, atheist you know? From Kenya.

But then considering the US citizens i'm exposed too, i'm not surprised that i hear those views the most. Most of the people would fall under "Religious Right" politically.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
The right wing is shrieking the loudest right now, and I'm hoping that it will actually work against them. Not everyone is marching in step with them but they don't feel like getting into it either with a bunch of fanatics pursuing "political purity."
There's this comic I keep up with and it seemed every day a bunch of extremist right wing comments were being posted that had little to nothing to do with the comic kept being posted. One day the comic was about magazines that specialize being a marketing ploy for advertisers to better find a pliable audience and trick the reader into thinking the magazine was doing them a favor when the right wing extremists went off again, this time talking about "playing the race card" and "race industry" and I realized that even though this had absolutely nothing to do with the comic, I wasn't surprised. I think it was the first time for me to comment when I said how sad it was I wasn't surprised and if the other comics were also being hijacked as right wing extremist soap boxes as well.
Several of the right wing posters defamed me as a brainwashed liberal and other such things but several others spoke up and said they were glad someone finally said what they'd been thinking a long time now and so many did that the zealots stopped hijacking the comics once they realized how most readers were viewing them and their message. They're slowly building back up (mostly Creationists for the most part right now who like to spam us with Bible verses and putting down science) but it did show me that a great many people don't share their views and are just as sick of them as I am they just don't see a point in getting pulled into a game of banging their head against a wall of poor logic, urban legends, and fanaticism. This gives me hope that Romney and the other Republicans won't win...especially given that I even know a couple of Republicans who said they were going to vote against their own party in order to send a message to them about their new focus on promoting a radical right wing Christian agenda since 2010.
I've heard that there's a lot of stigma associated with Mormons.