04-19-2012, 04:14 AM
Before I signed up to become member here, I read a few of the posts and there was a bunch of posts about Asians. Some of them were asking about their attractiveness, some were about if other guys of other races would consider dating an Asian guy.
Well, okay. I'm Asian [Filipino]. And as an Asian dude I've noticed that every time I hang out with my other gay [non-Asian] friends and we go out to a bar or club I always tend to be the guy sitting in the corner nursing my drink while all of them are off somewhere doing who knows what. It's probably cause I'm lame, not cause of me being Asian, lol <__<
I've also noticed that a lot of Classified Ads both online and in paper [for both straight and gay people] that a lot of people aren't looking or don't want to date an Asian person.
I don't get it. Is because we climb coconut tree's, eat rice and put soy sauce on everything? Lol
I'm not bitter at all, I've just noticed it recently and well it never really affected of phased me at all, it's just something that I've been noticing for some time now in the 'Gay Community'.
As they say, "No Fems, fats, or Asian.."
Before I signed up to become member here, I read a few of the posts and there was a bunch of posts about Asians. Some of them were asking about their attractiveness, some were about if other guys of other races would consider dating an Asian guy.
Well, okay. I'm Asian [Filipino]. And as an Asian dude I've noticed that every time I hang out with my other gay [non-Asian] friends and we go out to a bar or club I always tend to be the guy sitting in the corner nursing my drink while all of them are off somewhere doing who knows what. It's probably cause I'm lame, not cause of me being Asian, lol <__<
I've also noticed that a lot of Classified Ads both online and in paper [for both straight and gay people] that a lot of people aren't looking or don't want to date an Asian person.
I don't get it. Is because we climb coconut tree's, eat rice and put soy sauce on everything? Lol
I'm not bitter at all, I've just noticed it recently and well it never really affected of phased me at all, it's just something that I've been noticing for some time now in the 'Gay Community'.
As they say, "No Fems, fats, or Asian.."