Thou shall not assume that I am always ready, able, and willing to fix your computer/iPod/phone problem. Just because I know how to use the internet does not mean I am the go-to tech person.
Thou shalt not attack my feet cat.
Thou shall not use your feet to attack the cat back
Thou shall not jump on my lap when I'm not expecting it. (The cat I mean)
Thou shalt not pray to Zeus for things your usual god would laugh at
(found that one on the interwebs, thought I should share....)
Thou shall not not shower for a week.
Thou shall not ask me to make an illegal copy of that zumba DVD set because you assume I have no moral objections to it. Thanks a lot, Mother.
Thou shall not pirate music! Musicians need income too!
I know! I didn't do it and she was pissed.
Thou shall not listen to people when they tell you not to be creative
Posts: 2,800
Threads: 61
Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
thou shall not sell sea shells by the sea shore