Thou shalt not dig your fingernails into the cars dashboard.
I am driving if I am not nervous neither should you be.
Thou shalt not make me handle polystyrene.
Posts: 8,129
Threads: 11
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thou shalt not continue to rain. I'm getting worried. Should we start building an ark or something??
I think growing gills would be more appropriate and useful.
Thou shalt not complain about missing dinner , without letting me know .
The rules are 2 hours late your dinner is in the microwave , if you have not shown up by the time I am ready to go to sleep, Your dinner is in Jack.
Thou shalt not expect too much sense out of me at this time of day.
(Or any time of day, come to think about it!)
Thou shall not repeatedly hit the snooze button.
^ Oh, the pictures in my mind! :biggrin:
Thou shalt not bring cats anywhere near me.
^ Wicked man.:biggrin:
Thou shalt not come to my door with political polls , trust me you do not want to know my opinion on the labor party.
^ haha sounds like a funny picture
Thou shall not decide to start a conversation when I'm in the middle of a movie.