Thou shalt not cut me off at the supermarket ,seriously wtf?
Thou shalt not have punch-ups at the supermarket! :biggrin:
Thou shalt not allow thy devilspawn of children to run wild through the supermarket.
Amen to that .... I have had a few of them bounce off my leg and start screeching.
Thou shalt not let your dog off his leash while walking him.
Thou shalt not ask me if I want a kitten! :biggrin:
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Threads: 11
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thou shalt not infect me with your cold virus and then have the cheek to phone in sick, and leave me to do your work too! Grrrrrr...
Thou shalt not put thy child in a beauty pageant.
Thou shalt not ask me if I watch soaps.