05-06-2012, 07:02 PM
I'm not sure what is happening to me, My depressions has gone in cycles for a while but lately I've not felt... I think it has gone to bitterness. I mean I am still suicidal and think my life suck, but I don't feel bad about it. I hate my self I hate my life... I used to be sad feeling that I wanted to take my life... When I think about killing my self today it just feel like doing chores, it has to be done. I am not feeling sad, I would only feel relieved that it would be done but there is always something stopping me. I am young, to young many would say, but I feel like I am an grumpy 80 years old man laying on my deathbed waiting for the agony to be done, to be no more. Every day, every moment, every second I am dreaming of a dramatic death just so people would see me... But what would it matter. I am and always be who I am... For ever an ogre. I mean... Has anyone been in my position before? Eh who cares no one likes random ranting I don't need empathy... Is it easy to hire an assassin just to be done with it all?