So, just been to the opticians now and it turns out I need glasses for reading and have to use them at the PC/Driving and for reading things in the distance E.G college whiteboards/road signs etc -.- but what a bother I had finding a pair that I liked and that suited me, had to get them in the kids size to fit properly and comfortably
As do I nick, getting them next week once they're made up costing me £90 in total but hell they're needed
Midget, it's great news since it means there's nothing too much wrong with you. Trying to focus when you're shortsighted can really make you strain more than you think, hence the aches.
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That's good news that you only need glasses. It took me ages to choose mine last time I was at the opticians. Are you short or long sighted?
Haha.. funny thing is I can't actually remember, but I struggle more with reading things in a distance but then.. when at a pc/book or so which is usually quite close, my eyes get a tad fuzzy/blurry and I end up with a big time headache from straining them trying to focus
Glad to hear that your problem's solved.