12-24-2007, 06:50 AM
hi guys
this is me first post here and before to start wud like to say hello 2 every1 who will read and maybe reply this
Unfortunately all the guys who I have met/dated in me life turned to be all complete wankers....
Months ago I have started chattin online with this guy who I will call Ken here.
he is accordin to me the sweeties I have ever met.
We met once and the attraction was so strong that it happened we made out , and hey I want to point out, no sex occurred, neither oral, although he materially slept with me that nite.
He is not sum1 who goes and text a lot, he doesnt even use "xxx" in texts, but he reeli showed interest in me.
We decided to meet again and we did, we did not end up in bed again
, it was nice, dinner out and few drinks then he said he was reeli tired and needed to go to bed (9pm), well hey it was a Wednesday so he had 2 work the next day, fair enough.
Summit happened, a friend of mine on gdar msged him randomly and they started chattin and Ken kinda spitted out bout how he felt for me sayin "I am seein this guy, but dont feel a spark, dont think it has a romantic future and I dont wanna waste my time or his"
My m8 cudnt keep this for himself and let me know the day after.
I was reeli gutted, I wasnt espectin any romantic future from seein Ken, although who wudnt exclude one when u see a guy not for sex only?
Plus why wud Ken ever be that enthusiastic when seein me if he doesnt want nothing deeper? kindness/personality?
The problem is another tho.
That nite he chatted with me m8, we had just chatted too (me and Ken), and he appeared offline on my msn as he said he had to leave.
When I read the time of his msgs with me m8 it was later than our chat and he therefore deffo blocked me staying online.
I emailed him and wished him the best for his future as he reeli screwed up everything doin what he did, who wud ever trust sum1 who blocks u on msn and then "kachin!!" appears when he likes to?
plus I was still gutted coz I did believe that he felt in the same way for me as I did for him, in short words happy to keep hangin out with me, with no plans/no rush and takin it all as it was coming (rare thing nowadays).
He went online when received the email and was mortified sayin he felt caged like by seein me above all coz of a txt once I had sent to him which said "I am only seein you now" (I am not seein anyone else, fair enough, innit? u think that was pushy?).
Now we kinda adjusted things and he says he wants to keep seein me, but I dunno....it does reeli sound like a "FRIENDSHIP ONLY" and u know what? I dunno what went wrong?!
the way it was at the beginning was so nice.....reciprocal attraction and common interests and no rush in seein how things cud have evolved for the two of us...:frown:
if u guys have any suggestions lemme know plz, I reeli like the guy, and still hope summit good can happen between me and him .....:confused:
or not?
this is me first post here and before to start wud like to say hello 2 every1 who will read and maybe reply this

Unfortunately all the guys who I have met/dated in me life turned to be all complete wankers....
Months ago I have started chattin online with this guy who I will call Ken here.
he is accordin to me the sweeties I have ever met.
We met once and the attraction was so strong that it happened we made out , and hey I want to point out, no sex occurred, neither oral, although he materially slept with me that nite.
He is not sum1 who goes and text a lot, he doesnt even use "xxx" in texts, but he reeli showed interest in me.
We decided to meet again and we did, we did not end up in bed again

Summit happened, a friend of mine on gdar msged him randomly and they started chattin and Ken kinda spitted out bout how he felt for me sayin "I am seein this guy, but dont feel a spark, dont think it has a romantic future and I dont wanna waste my time or his"
My m8 cudnt keep this for himself and let me know the day after.
I was reeli gutted, I wasnt espectin any romantic future from seein Ken, although who wudnt exclude one when u see a guy not for sex only?
Plus why wud Ken ever be that enthusiastic when seein me if he doesnt want nothing deeper? kindness/personality?
The problem is another tho.
That nite he chatted with me m8, we had just chatted too (me and Ken), and he appeared offline on my msn as he said he had to leave.
When I read the time of his msgs with me m8 it was later than our chat and he therefore deffo blocked me staying online.
I emailed him and wished him the best for his future as he reeli screwed up everything doin what he did, who wud ever trust sum1 who blocks u on msn and then "kachin!!" appears when he likes to?
plus I was still gutted coz I did believe that he felt in the same way for me as I did for him, in short words happy to keep hangin out with me, with no plans/no rush and takin it all as it was coming (rare thing nowadays).
He went online when received the email and was mortified sayin he felt caged like by seein me above all coz of a txt once I had sent to him which said "I am only seein you now" (I am not seein anyone else, fair enough, innit? u think that was pushy?).
Now we kinda adjusted things and he says he wants to keep seein me, but I dunno....it does reeli sound like a "FRIENDSHIP ONLY" and u know what? I dunno what went wrong?!
the way it was at the beginning was so nice.....reciprocal attraction and common interests and no rush in seein how things cud have evolved for the two of us...:frown:
if u guys have any suggestions lemme know plz, I reeli like the guy, and still hope summit good can happen between me and him .....:confused:
or not?