05-16-2012, 09:03 PM
In advance i have to tell you that english is not my mother language so in case of any misundesrtanding feel free to ask me to explain it better 
is a long story and i ll try to give you just the main parts of it to have a clear image. It all started 3 years ago. I met this guy in the last year of High School, by the end of that year we had a really good friendship with a lot of fun and good time (no romance at that time)
At that summer things got complicated. We had much more free time and we spent a lot of time together in my house, hugging, cuddling and kissing but not on the lips(that was the time that i felt in love with him)
The next year i had to move in a different city cause of my University, and that was quite a big shock for me, letting all my friends and mostly familly and begining a new life. From Christmas break to Easter break ,that i was at home, a lot of thing had change. Firstly on christmas break cause long time that we havent seen each other we were both spent more time together, romantic hugs, kisses (neck and cheek) and cuddling was in a regular basis and what makes me thinking more that he may be is into me, i slept in his house once and he felt asleep on my chest while cuddling. On easter break he told me that he was all that time in a relationship with a girl that i used to know... I got pissed but i couldnt tell him the reason why so i just pretend that everything was fine but he should have told me before and there was not much talk till the last summer.
The last summer, he was avoiding me by the time i went by home, no calls, no going out and by the end of it couple of days before i left i met him in a club and i asked him why he was avoiding he refuse to answer and no matter what i said he got pissed and he left. Since that time untill last christmas we didnt had any communication, not even on facebook (in which he unfriend me).
On new year's eve we met again on the entrance of a club i whished his friends and him a happy new year but i didnt expect too much, suddenly he grabbed me, hugged me and told me that he is sorry and he regret it, its all his fault and he wants us to be as we were before. I couldnt really agree on that but i pulled him and told him that we will talk about that... A couple of minutes later he introduce me to his new girlfriend and after she left (few steps away), while we dance he was touching my chest and his hand went to my lower area where i had to pull it back!
Almost the same senario happened again on the Easter Break. In both of these cases he was drunk but not wasted just tipsy.
He is saying that he is straight and at the same time he is doing all these things. I really dont know what i should do, every time that i think im over it, he is doing or saying something that put me back to the same position.
Thanks all of you who could get through all of this text. Any advice or thought about it is much appreciated

is a long story and i ll try to give you just the main parts of it to have a clear image. It all started 3 years ago. I met this guy in the last year of High School, by the end of that year we had a really good friendship with a lot of fun and good time (no romance at that time)
At that summer things got complicated. We had much more free time and we spent a lot of time together in my house, hugging, cuddling and kissing but not on the lips(that was the time that i felt in love with him)
The next year i had to move in a different city cause of my University, and that was quite a big shock for me, letting all my friends and mostly familly and begining a new life. From Christmas break to Easter break ,that i was at home, a lot of thing had change. Firstly on christmas break cause long time that we havent seen each other we were both spent more time together, romantic hugs, kisses (neck and cheek) and cuddling was in a regular basis and what makes me thinking more that he may be is into me, i slept in his house once and he felt asleep on my chest while cuddling. On easter break he told me that he was all that time in a relationship with a girl that i used to know... I got pissed but i couldnt tell him the reason why so i just pretend that everything was fine but he should have told me before and there was not much talk till the last summer.
The last summer, he was avoiding me by the time i went by home, no calls, no going out and by the end of it couple of days before i left i met him in a club and i asked him why he was avoiding he refuse to answer and no matter what i said he got pissed and he left. Since that time untill last christmas we didnt had any communication, not even on facebook (in which he unfriend me).
On new year's eve we met again on the entrance of a club i whished his friends and him a happy new year but i didnt expect too much, suddenly he grabbed me, hugged me and told me that he is sorry and he regret it, its all his fault and he wants us to be as we were before. I couldnt really agree on that but i pulled him and told him that we will talk about that... A couple of minutes later he introduce me to his new girlfriend and after she left (few steps away), while we dance he was touching my chest and his hand went to my lower area where i had to pull it back!
Almost the same senario happened again on the Easter Break. In both of these cases he was drunk but not wasted just tipsy.
He is saying that he is straight and at the same time he is doing all these things. I really dont know what i should do, every time that i think im over it, he is doing or saying something that put me back to the same position.
Thanks all of you who could get through all of this text. Any advice or thought about it is much appreciated