played with a big dildo last week [rode it really hard]then a couple days later with 2 fingers in the shower[again hard]now a muscle or something really hurts when i sit ,roll over,or try to clinch.???is it just a over worked muscle it's to the right top of my butt hole.any idea's.
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Sounds like you may of bruised your anal sphincter.
I'd advise leaving your backside well alone for a week.
If it still hurts, or you see any blood, I'd say see a doc.
I'm no doctor myself.
So this is just my opinion.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
yes i will hurts to much to sit or do almost anything ,will see how the week goes ,if not getting any better will see doctor.thanx for the reply.
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baumer65 Wrote:yes i will hurts to much to sit or do almost anything ,will see how the week goes ,if not getting any better will see doctor.thanx for the reply.
You're welcome.

Oh, I should of probably said, if you're new to dildos, or new to a bigger size of dildo, make sure to take it slow at first.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Try warm soaks in a bath tub. Let things relax.
As you try to heal, eat lots of leafy green vegetables to soften things meant to come out.
Blood could be a number of things, most likely a fissure (small tear). Keep things very clean just in case.
If the pain gets anymore uncomfortable, I'd advise seeing a professional.
I would reecommend not exceeding your limit again and ontop of that get some rest.... As nice as sex or own pleasure may be the arse is a delicate thing and can tear at any time
well back from the hospital,turns out i infected myself,guess the skin tore.had to get it cut open and drained,on heavy antibiotics now and off work for 2 be careful .NOT FUN.
You are 'lucky'. If you perforated the rectum or the colon above you may have gotten fecal matter inside the abdomen cavity - that leads to really nasty infection and often death.
Hopefully you have learned not to shove large objects up your bum.
Finger nails and bums are not the best combination.