07-03-2012, 10:43 PM
A neighbor of mine had a gay son that was in his early 20's when I came out. He pulled me aside and basically answered all of my questions and doubts. I was in middle school at the time, so he had a lot of patience when it came to putting up with me! xD He was my support system through coming out and accepting myself. We still keep in touch to this day (he moved to the other side of the country) and I consider him one of my closest friends! 
My parents weren't as supportive as I would have liked, and I don't know what I would have done without him. It really helped to have someone there who understood what I as going through and was willing to help. He didn't HAVE to spend so much of his free time with some brat in eighth grade, but he did. He was my biggest role model and I'll always be thankful to him! :biggrin:

My parents weren't as supportive as I would have liked, and I don't know what I would have done without him. It really helped to have someone there who understood what I as going through and was willing to help. He didn't HAVE to spend so much of his free time with some brat in eighth grade, but he did. He was my biggest role model and I'll always be thankful to him! :biggrin: