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How much can I take?
I know that we all have.. at times to face trials and tribulations.. but as of late..it seems I am being tested or punished.. I don't even know. But the last 2 years have been the hardest in my life. And it isn't over yet. Just how much can a person take? I lost my house in the housing fiasco.. then last year I lost my job.. I have put in hundreds of aps. and have still found nothing, then I lost my best friend and constant companion of 8 years, (yes my beloved dog) it was like losing a child. Then a dear friend called me, she had been diagnosed w/stage 4 cancer.. and lived alone. She wanted to come stay w/me. She arrived and in less than two months... she succumed to cancer. God bless her, I have never seen such courage. Now I'm being illegally evicited by the wicked witch of the west.. whom I thought was a friend. But you can't fight money. I haven't the money to move.. I haven't a place to go... I have never in my life felt so helpless. I have always been very independent and never needed anyones help. I have always tried to help those who needed help, and tried to be a good person. I have always believed in "God". But its increasingly hard to believe in anything when it seems I can't even catch a break. I can't even remember the last "good" thing thats happened to me. I'm trying to figure out what to do.. but I'm so depressed I don't think I'm even thinking clearly. Forgive me for whining... but I just need to vent....... and my brothers and sisters are all I have ... I am an artist of sorts, I make trees mounted on rock or quartz bases. I've been trying to sell them, and have had some luck. But finding stores with gas prices as they are makes it hard. I think I need a web site, but I'm not that computer savvy. They say when it rains, it pours....... well I'm drowning... and don't know what to do.......... again forgive me.. I just needed to get this off my cheast........ thanks for listening guys.

My heart is all but shattered.... and the pieces fall like rain....
Scattered by the wind... it seems to numb the pain,
I have lost myself... and it seems I've lost my way....
My direction is uncertain... and nothing feels OK,
I don't know where I'm going... or just what lies ahead...
But I can hear the whispers... though I don't know what was said,
I feel as though a part of me... has died and blown away...
And I am just an empty shell... `with nothing left to say,
The echo's in the distance... are ringing in my ears...
And as the sun begins to rise.... I wipe away the tears,
Its strange it seems... how life goes on... while yours is crashing down...
And though one "love"is at its end... another one is found,
And so it goes.. the circle... as it was ment to be...
We laugh.. we cry.. we live.. and die... and then our soul is free,
So I will gather the pieces... of my scattered wind blown heart...
And never look over my shoulder... at my world thats torn apart.


I am sorry life has been so hard for you lately. I have no useful advice for you, but I know that sometimes it's good to have a place to vent.

I am sure you could rent a ready to use website or maybe for a monthly fee to join a ring of webshops - like a big virtual department store - something like amazon - even small shop keepers can sell there.

you could also try eBay.

good luck

When we feel our lowest of lows we feel it and in 2010 i was homeless and decided to stop panic immediately lay all my cards on the tabl;e and then with an aimagenary glue stick i pieced each piece back together bvecause if you panic you lose it and if you lose it it could be completely game over and your stuck in a ruck... You can only go so low in life before you begin to climb again x

Hi ttec

First let me say , that I am so sorry you have had such a rough time of things.
Some times we do not realize how vulnerable we can be.
It seems that we are always there for someone else , but never for ourselves.

Time to take inventory.
What do you have ; what can you change; what is out of your reach; and more importantly what can you do about it.

I understand how hard it is for an independent person to reach out and ask for help.
Right now your pride is your worst enemy.

Put it all on the table , just like Aunty and Nick have said , time to peace it all together.
There are plenty of members here myself included that can help you with the technicalities of web design .

May I first recommend that you get yourself a Blog it is totally free.
Now join to your Facebook account , you will be surprised at how much traffic Facebook gets.

Blog links

Now regarding being evicted , perhaps you need to take this matter up with some charity welfare groups in your area.

We are all here for you , and we care about you , so please keep us posted.

You know Rainbow.. I needed to hear someone care.. I just felt my world crashing around me.. a helplessness I've never felt before. I so appreciate your words. It tears my eyes.. and puts a lump in my throat. For I'm am not accustomed to asking anyone for anything. But your right.. I've almost given everything I have to help some. And it is the hardest thing to "need". I don't like it. I'm praying things get better. Everything just seemed to happen one right after another. You mentioned "blog" I've not really done that, and am not exactly sure what it is other than "talking" ? Or how it pertains.
I'm embarassed to be in this situation. thank you

Thanks Nick.... just hearing caring words has helped me. I think I was just feeling one of the lowest points of my life.. lonelyness and fear... helplessness... and while nothings really changed yet.. people like you give me strength. thank you

thank you zeon.... I really do appreciate the encouragement.

I hate to hear that you have been gong through so much lately. A few years back I lost my maternal grandmother and she meant the world to me, the following spring my cousin committed suicide in a rather violent fashion , I lost my job, & car and moved back in with my parents and then my paternal grandmother died of breast cancer. I understand hard times. I wish there was just one thing I could tell you to make you feel better. I’m not a religious person, I am more spiritual but I have come to believe that “if he leads you to it, he will lead you threw it”. I hope this helped and I hope that light will soon shine again on you.

thank you worknlife................ your words.... as everyone who has cared enough to offer support, gives me strength to keep going. I'm sorry about your losses also. thank you

I know how you feel and trust me its very hard to live day by day when everything crashes around you. I thought that I would never get back to the promise life after losing my house being laid off 3 time having 3 cars go belly up within months of each other and yes being homeless as well. But the best thing I can say is keep the faith find a new beginning and build from there because I believe there might be something you have to learn from all your trials and it may take a while took me 9 years now finally getting a job that is worth while this month. so there is a light at the end for you, you just have to find it and work towards it.

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