zeon Wrote:next time push firmly on his knee caps turning them back to front and say
Now you know how a fucking seagull walks and your obviously screaming like one
then walk away
Deep Auntie, Deep

Well, I've personally had 2 major stalkers before.
One has been stalking me since I was 13 and he was 23 all the way up to now. He probably still is, I don't know...
He confronted me last year and I did what Bowyn suggest, I said;
"Why or what makes you think that you love me? We're 10years apart and I've never met you before"
I'm not a violent person, so I wasn't going to deck him[hit him], but I could've easily.
I'm not going to make him feel bad or tell him what he's feeling isn't real, but I wouldn't let it progress either.
Like Bowyn said, it's best to pacify him. It may not seem like it, but he's right, you don't want to aggrevate someone desperate or who may be sick mentally.
Humans are unpredictable while sane, so it's safe to say that anything can happen while not very sane.
I wouldn't have just hit him or anything. I would either started
the conversation or just walk away, but obviously not home.
Violence doesn't always solve everything.
Who knows... if you had hit him, he could've stabbed you or shot you or beat you and raped you or anything! It's best to think in situations like these. Because you never know what he's thinking, if he's thinking at all.
Sure if it comes to it, defend yourself, but you need to be sure first.