06-29-2012, 02:49 AM
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I was born a south-paw. This enraged my parents to the point where they did thing like literally tie my left arm behind my back to force me to be a good kid, a normal kid - a proper right hand using individual.
My mother considered all left handed people to be evil-doers. The way my parents 'taught' me to be a right handed individual has been called 'abusive' by every therapist and psychiatrist I have talked to.
I never learned how to write with my left hand. So it is not my righting - erm, writing- hand. :tongue:
In 2001 the wet wall (plumbing wall) between the kitchen and bathroom had a few minor leaks which slowly ate away at the floor and wall studs. I had no other choice but to gut the house (its only 450 square feet so not that big of a deal). I moved the kitchen and bathroom and bedroom around a little. While the lay out had been for a right handed person, it did not take advantage of natural light and available space. The design was at best poor. I set about redesigning the space doubling the storage space and increasing the size of the bedroom. Taking out a mere shower and installing a bathtub.
When finished I found the work more than satisfactory. My Partner said he didn't like the layout, that somehow he felt like he had to work more while using the kitchen.
A few years later I herniated a few disks in my spine, the one in my neck impinges on the left arm ulnar nerve. So I needed the left ulnar nerve transposed (Kaiser didn't want to touch the spine since my disks bulge outward, not inward).
I discovered that I had unconsciously designed the kitchen in favor of the left hand. :o
While I suppose technically I can be called ambidextrous since I use both hands, or be considered a righty since I write with only my right hand. I suspect I am very much that evil, soulless left handed creature my mother believes me to be.:biggrin:
That sounds deep

Sounds somewhat similar, though less extreme. I started playing String Instruments [along with other instruments] at a young age and as most people know, they're majoritively designed to be played right handed[bow in the right hand, left hand presses the notes].
So that's how I learned to use my Right hand. Though I prefer my left hand when writing or reaching for a doorknob or something.
I'm still not completely sure if I was left handed or became ambidextrous. Most likely I started off left handed, as it feels more comfortable

Guess I'm evil