Perhaps your hypothalamus is sending off rapid signals that you're constantly... in heat? :biggrin:
The hypothalamus controls many things, mostly primal things to my knowledge... Desire, Fear, Anger and it could be that it's working too well and making you... come into heat more often then normal or regular.
Usually the Cerebral Cortex allows for control over the uncivilized parts of the brain; i.e the hypothalamus, but sometimes it may not and that's when some people have anger issues or extreme phobias, due to many things, usually something traumatic.
They can't control it, so they just don't and the result ends in Quick Tempers/Anger issues, Fears/Phobias of an extreme nature and sometimes sex-addicts or people in ... constant heat :redface: .
I'm not a neurologist, but that's how it seems and what kind of makes sense if you think about it. Hypothalamus controls Fear, Anger, Desire - > Overworking Hypothalamus = Heightened levels of Fear, Anger or Desire [and many other things].
I could be wrong though.
Also, some guys [and gals] have a high rate of ... being in heat, due to the fact that their bodies, though may or may not be because of the hypothalamus, produce sex hormones far quicker that what's said to be normal.
Which equates to a need of more Masturbation or Sex, even in one day.
It's your body's way of saying; "We need to lighten the
load" [no pun intended... I swear]
