I really don't know how old you are so :confused: I will just guess your young (Because some of us older more experienced

Gays know how to get a Attractive

mile: sweet:tongue: and giving:biggrin: man and/or women) lol i could no help my self from saying that.
Ok ok all jk ing aside the way to tell is to test him BUT before you do you do HAVE to realize that he may not be gay and you can't let it get you down ( i talk from experience)
ok so here is some stuff
http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-If-a-Guy-Lik...%28Guys%29 (the first two from this site one are good)
Try subtle, unnecessary touches (not his junk). Let your hand touch his, you can let it "accidentally" touch. If he moves it out of the way quickly, then he may not be interested

- watch his facial expression. On the other hand, if he slowly moves it, or doesn't withdraw at all, then he may be interested:biggrin:.
Advance on him. When you are sitting on a sofa (Or if your still in high school or college and at lunch) , lean towards him (or move your chair closer to his), a bit like in the movies when the guy trying to get the girl reaches his arm out across her shoulders. Don't turn your head toward him right away. If he moves away from you:frown:, this slims the chances of him being attracted to you

. But if he either has a very slight or no reaction, or he repeats the gesture to you, then this increases the chances that he is interested and attracted

1.) He looks at you often and keeps staring even if you stare back or quickly looks away if he is shy.....
2.) His pelvis well be pointed toward your direction and he well somewhat lean forward toward you or act more macho around you (a way to show he can protect you).
3.) He laughs at what you laugh at, tries to cheer you up when your sad, get's happy easily when your hyper......
4.) His friends well know he likes you and when they see you say or give little hints of someone he might like you (A.K.A him)
5.) He pops out of no where where ever you might be. Such as if your heading to lunch at school or work he randomly appears saying "Hi" or "Hey nice meeting you here....." or sometimes random dumb things you wouldn't expect to hear often.
Ok those where just some Ex.
[B]BUT[/B] the
best way to know is if you have a friend in common and you can ask them if he is gay If you don't than just ask one of his beat friend if he is and ask them not to tell the guy