I'm sorry you went through this Dider

. I'm glad your not holding a grudge against all gays in general, that in itself is a very strong approach to recovery and shows that you are more of a man, despite what you may currently think of yourself.
I would say go to authorities, but in all honesty, sometimes for some people, recovery of both the physical and mental lies in oneself and you should do what you feel will help you recover and will make you whole again, short of hurting anyone of course, that'll make it worse .

And it's easy for us to sit here and say "oh that was bad" and "You should go to get help" , because we're on the outside, so though you ask for our opinions, which is great and your choice, I also believe, no one can really go through what another person has, because every person is different and reacts and is affected differently, and that you should handle your situation in the way you think will ultimately help you, acknowledging our opinions/advice or not.
But by you not beating him to an inch of his life or calling your buddies to go gay-bash him or just act in repercussion in general, it shows you are a very strong human being, in spite of what has been done to you, and you've shown him mercy that he'll never realize he was shown, because like I said, you could've easily called you friends and had him gay-bashed.
Even though you are accepting of gays, some people react differently sometimes from normal, when stressed or backed in a corner.
He may see this as an invitation to keep harrasing you or he sees this as him getting away with murder, or rather sexual abuse, but he obviously is not very insightful, especially because he did what he did anyway, let alone didn't take the time to think of what would or could happen afterwards.
Don't feel bad about yourself. Okay, maybe you can for awhile, but don't stay in that place, lift your chin up, puff out your chest and take what happiness and optimisim you can, because pessismism is not a friend you want hanging on your shoulder.
And on a medical note[I'm not a doctor though, obviously :biggrin: ];
HiV/AiDs is a disease that works by fluid exchange. But since you said he gave you oral, it would be unlikely that you would've gotten it, since if you ejaculated into his mouth, it wouldn't work that way, but if he had ejaculated into yours and you swallowed it, then there could be a slight chance.

] and Blood are the quickest transmuters of HiV, so if he had an open sore in his mouth and kissed you, there's the slight possiblity, because you may swallow flecks of his blood, but is only really bad if you both had open sores in your mouths.
And Auntie[Zeon] is right, Anal sex is probably the quickest way to get it, because the Anal membrane/tissue is very thin and permeable, so when a guy ejaculates into another man's "behind" or woman's for that matter, a good percentage of his sperm is absorbed into the bloodstream through the anal tissue, along with other seminal fluids, and because it's so thin and Semen is a quick transmuter for HiV, when a guy with HiV ejaculates inside his partner, it's almost immediately absorbed into his/her bloodstream, usually infecting them, though it may take more than one time occasionally.
So I don't think you have anything to fear. But if unsure, you can always go to your local doctor/hospital and get checked out. Nothing embarrasing about getting checked out, even if you're straight and/or haven't been overly sexually active.
I hope you feel better Sweetie
[Not all camp gays are like him, so don't harbour a grudge, even if you may not now or intentionally want to
