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Hey guys,
I need some advice, basically I was awarded me degree yesterday and ontop of that "The Society of Biology" awarded me an honorary title and has given me some honorary letters after my name. Now I have a question is it pretentious to use these letters or is it the norm to use them on your letters and emails. See mine would be (my name) BSc(hons) AMSB. Does anyone of gayspeak use something like this?
mrk2010 BSc(hons) AMSB. (joke)
I have degrees/letters/titles. Technically you can call me Doctor since I have a Doctorate in ministry. I rarely use the title/honors.
I do use the titles and honors when writing to clergy or other people when it comes to "religious stuff". Then its me throwing around the weight of my authority/superiority :tongue:.
Other than that I see no need to throw around the weight of my education. Mind you I did opt out of the God Business, It is kind of hard to explain to a person who's room you are re-dry-walling why exactly you are called 'Doctor'. :biggrin:
Many people don't know the extent of my letters, nor are they aware that they could (perhaps should) address me as Dr. ____________ instead of Mr. _________
I don't toot my own horn.
Lets put it this way, its wasn't until we were going through one of my old boxes that my partner discovered the extend of my education. And that was oh 6 years into our relationship.
Companies that have an online web site to handle application will have an area to list awards, patents, etc. list these there and on your CV resume.
Recent grad so your education awards are important
First let me congratulate you sir!
If you've earned something, use it to your benefit. (Resume'; Letters; etc.)
This applies to business only, of course. Certainly your friends should not have to treat you differently. Be humble with friends and family. They're not paying you.
Hope that helps.
Absolutely damn right you should use them in the relevant application - resumes, application letters, CV's any academic/professional reqiurement - yes!