Sil Wrote:My advice would be to check out the whole ton of threads about this in the 'health & sex' section of the forums, this topic's been covered pretty broadly 
I'm fairly certain you can get training dildos that are tapered from thin to thick, kinda conical shaped... While it may sound gross, a lot of people just improvise with things from around the house, fruit and vegetables even; lol... be clean and safe, and don't use anything that could get stuck! Jim Jeffries does a whole comedy sketch about that
I'll have to agree whole-heartedly with
this, you must make sure that
1) it won't break inside you (if it's something that's going to snap quite easily from even quite hard pressure (as the anal sphincters are quite strong) especially if you're going to be rocking on the outer part of said object to apply different kinds of pressure inside...
2) the object will not get sucked up and you can't push it out again (as that would endanger the rather delicate mucous membrane, and could rip or damage the walls)
3) you can retrieve the object fairly easily... To take something out, you can take a deep breath and relax those muscles. There are actually two sets of anus muscles there. The second ring is probably the one you need to coax (relax) the most.
4) You can, indeed, try some tapered toys, they exist... various sizes of butt plugs which are so shaped that once they are inserted, they won't fall out too easily. As for dildos, they do exist in all sizes and a lot of different shapes and materials. So if you can't find what you're looking for, you may need to change sites and change providers. Knowing what you're looking for may facilitate your (re)search.
5) your object is clean and properly lubed before insertion. Some people like to protect the object with a condom which probably makes the cleaning easier.
6) (I like GayUSAsian's suggestion, that you need to CLEAR (ie put things away, where they won't offend casual visitors, or parents, or unknowing girlfriends, wives etc...
