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sets a bad example, boy scouts
i found the whole scouts thing boring as a kid and didnt bother persuing it i figure if they ban a gay leader does that mean they would turn away a child that admits his got same sex likeability factors?

I had fun as a boy scout and I'm sorry for them girls not gettin any but seems like I remember it was boys will be boys we were just in a don't ask unless it" friendly, never tell or get caught kinda deal. BUT I was just me. Just a boy. It wouldn't have occured to me to make myself a target or center of unwanted attention I was too busy mindlessly running with the other guys and they picked on ya for being weird as much as anything else. One thing I thought I learned in Boy Scouts was "the dude is still a boy man and it's uncool to dog somebody on a phony 'till they cry" I guess back then we were just more human gay or straight - which is a lesson many gay people could do well with today. Striaght people are usually and will probably always be afraid or mean because they idiotically make sex a part of their self esteem and identity. You need to like you first and sex is like what? less than 10% of somebody's life?
I may not have any answers and I guess I was just lucky I was a boy and we all called each other fag to get a rise here and there. I still feel lucky because I did get the affection, the foolin around and most of my straight friends got older and didn't have such happy happy lives. But they do have companionship and that's pretty good to us all.
It should be a non-issue. Those who make it an issue either way are wrong and hurt boys. Boys are boys and adults are big dumb losers unlses they're nice. Ask anybody!
(The rainbow neck scarf don't help it hurts if ya ask me. It's like making a guy say straight up to other guys, supposed to be his friends even "I'm not one of you" - boys don't think like the fools God gives 'em to tho I've noticed)

zeon Wrote:.....does that mean they would turn away a child that admits his got same sex likeability factors?

I thought all kids had same sex likability factors heh - it hasn't been that long that I forgotLaugh

I prefer Camp Fire USA. I checked them out as a possibility and I like how they're co-ed and don't seem hung up on the gay issue (it's a non issue to them, as it should be). There's no way I'd send my boy to Boy Scouts, however, as they teach values (and not just the antigay thing) I don't want him to learn.

Pix Wrote:I prefer Camp Fire USA. I checked them out as a possibility and I like how they're co-ed and don't seem hung up on the gay issue (it's a non issue to them, as it should be). There's no way I'd send my boy to Boy Scouts, however, as they teach values (and not just the antigay thing) I don't want him to learn.

Ah, Pix, what values are you referring to??? (other than the no gay promotion value)

princealbertofb Wrote:Ah, Pix, what values are you referring to??? (other than the no gay promotion value)

Summed up real short, my problem is the entire message that you can't be a good, moral person unless you're a monotheist (and maybe even restricted to Christian and Jewish at that). They promote the Constitution but only if you're religious, and say even agnostics ("I'm not sure if there's a God") cannot be moral, trustworthy people. That leads to all kinds of intolerance and hate, even seems to make death threats against non believers and gays justifiable to some, because they're all immoral scum anyway (and not just the gays).

That's just a little too cultish for me.

Odd. I don't remember the scouts being all about that. Maybe it's been perverted from what the original thing was.

It's on their membership ap (pdf):


Quote:The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing
an obligation to God

Looks like I might be wrong about having to be monotheist, however.

Also (I did see this on a Boy Scout site but wasn't able to find that again, or if I did then it was a site that wanted me to open or save a file which I won't do):


Quote:Youth and Adult Volunteers

Boy Scouts of America believes that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God. Accordingly, youth members and adult volunteer leaders of Boy Scouts of America obligate themselves to do their duty to God and be reverent as embodied in the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. Leaders also must subscribe to the Declaration of Religious Principle. Because of its views concerning the duty to God, Boy Scouts of America believes that an atheist or agnostic is not an appropriate role model of the Scout Oath and Law for adolescent boys. Because of Scouting’s methods and beliefs, Scouting does not accept atheists and agnostics as members or adult volunteer leaders



Well, I don't know where that came from but you are surely right. I had no idea it was that strict. At least their creed is clear.

and Reverant
was ours Wink

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