When is this hatred going to end?! Even if you privately are prejudiced against anyone, don't you think it's an idiotic business move to publicly come out as a bigot?!
Why is this hatred seen as a badge of honor by the religious sect?
Any kind of prejudice is an embarrassment and should be treated as such!
So screw you Chick-fil-a! Even after you drag yourself out of your primordial soup of hatred and change your mind, I still won't eat at your ignorant establishment!!
I just heard about this on facebook and I'm still not entirely sure of the details.
But I guess I'm glad I haven't ever and will now never eat there?
That's horrible! Though I've never been a huge fan of their food.
Leave it to the religious crazies to make asses of themselves...well-played Chic-Fillet....well played.
At least Dan Cathy's being honest about it now, though it was never much of a secret. Their food is overpriced and overrated anyway.
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wow, so I guess I'm not eating there anymore.
A Southern Evangelical Christian Company who doesn't like gays?:eek: SHUT UP! :biggrin:
We dont' have any of those restaurants around where I live...If we did I would not support them because they are fast food ....but even if I did like fast food...an Evangelical Christian Company? No good will come of that.....
Long before gay marriage was even on the horizon I was a staunch supporter of a woman's right to choose what to do with HER body so I have been at odds with the righties forever...I have no doubt they also contribute to organizations who seek to prevent a woman from choosing what happens with her body.....
"Chick-fil-A is a family-owned and family-led company . . . "
When will these idiots realise that we come from families, too?