07-23-2012, 05:11 PM
aordone Wrote:I've suggested that we both go..but he still throws a fit. He acts like its such a long dreadful process. He told me he went to go get tested with his ex....and then after that we got together, I got tested, I was fine...and he tells me that because I'm fine, he's fine too. But for the longest time Ive told him to just go get it done for me...to calm my nerves...and he doesn't want to. I dont want to be negative and just assume he's out cheating on me...I just like to be on the same side ya know. and God forbid he has cheated on me, I still want to be safe about my own health.
I am not really fond of the doom and gloom prophecies but in this case...you can't really compromise with him because you are talking about your life.
What I can tell you that might tone down the doom and gloom...not everyone who doesnt' want a test is necessarily a cheater. Men in particular are often squeamish about ANY medical test...I see it all the time. I just had a colonoscopy and I had to wait for a couple weeks to find out if what they found was cancerous.....I didn't like that part....but at least I knew I was proactive with my health....
...but with the exception of my BF....every other man I know who is in my age range refuses to even think about getting a test...they put their head in the sand. Hell...they wont' even get the prostate cancer PSA blood test and that is simple and there are tons of public service announcements about it so the awareness is certainly out there...as it is with AIDS.
So...put your foot down and insist he go for a test. If you love him and it is necessary,...find a solution for every reason he presents to you. He may just be afraid of tests...lots of men are....so you might have to push harder.