Ah! I sure feel the need to reply to this! You know what they say eh, no matter how shitty your situation is, there's always someone worst off. And in this case, its ME!

Yup, I put an happy face there. Because guess what, my reply to you is super positive. I am 21 (TWENTY ONE!) and am mostly bald to the point where I have to keep it clean shaven at all times. I am not going to go and pretend I'm not self-conscious about it, of course I am! But I can assure you that not only won't it be a problem for you, but you're just as lucky as everyone else! My last boyfriend had his full head of hair and always maintained that he did not mind my lack of hair at all and that he was very attracted to me (which he always made a point to prove lol). I often wear hats and he would tell me he preferred me without my hat.
And NOW, things are even better. I am currently dating the HOTTEST GUY I've ever seen. Not only does he have a thick head of hair, but he's build and he's drop-dead gorgeous lol. I can't even believe it's happening! lol. Again, I often wear hats and was rather uncomfortable when it came to going to bed with him or swimming or whatever, but he too makes me feel like it is ok. He's still attracted to me and it really does not seem to bother him. There is hope buddy, there is hope!
I really do feel your pain, it's a HORRIBLE situation to be in. All those guys saying it shouldnt be hard obviously don't know how it feels. But from someone who does and who's been very lucky, I can assure you that we're not worst off! Yep, try to be confident about it (I struggle everyday and still, look at me! lol) and keep your chin up and a smile on your face!
Good luck