Thanks everybody for all the post, I appreciate them all. I am aware of the law and the age of consent, which he is 16. This is one of the reasons I fear coming out to him less likely telling him I love him. If I come out and he is not gay he is gonna have a major freak out with all of the sexual things we have done and things will be beyond weird for him. And once again the issues with his dad.
I promise you all this is not purely sexual I have very strong emotional feelings for him and love him deeply. I have not been in this deep in a long time. The thought of having to do things with anyone else kills me inside. I just hope he is feeling the same but I doubt it :/
This is a roller coaster ride where the highs are getting higher and the lows are getting lower. Just the other day we went out to spend the day after I spent the night at his house. We went to the mall together and went shopping. He even offered to buy me a pair of shoes. We rode around the city with the music blasting, dancing, laughing, having a great time. Then we went out to eat and he told me he has the best memories with me

We started singing random songs out loud in the middle of Ruby Tuesday. Later on after we ate we went looking at random car lots chasing each other around throwing water on each other. We were laughing hysterically. It really was one of the best night of my life.
He calls me like every evening after football practice to come up and I go up every morning before he leaves. Things were going so well for quite a while. We were seeing each other often. And he is is still very touchy feely. But like always the signs are still mixed.
He wouldn't even let me in the room the other day when he was in the shower. I don't know if is embarrassed because my penis is bigger than his or he was afraid of his parents walking in. He says he is afraid of someone walking in and catching us. But then later that day I seen everything again. He talks about how he wants kids now. He talks about his future wife. But still includes me in his future.
I sent him a message earlier on Facebook telling him I didn't get to stop at is house this afternoon because I had to work late. He was online all evening just about and never responded. I know when I am in love with someone that is the first thing I do. I think he went to stay with a friend this evening. I would love to spend every evening with him but apparently he doesn't really care too much and doesn't feel the same. I never even heard from him this evening. I hate to sound so clingy but he is the one calling me every evening and then just quits.
So it goes from one extreme to another. I know he likes me as a person but does he love me? Does he just want me around because he is bored? The thought of him not loving me and not being in my life tears my heart out. I have seen all of these signs in other guys before, maybe not this extreme but they all turned out to be straight. I hear him say how it is just gonna be me and him going everywhere when he gets his car back together. Oh how I hope its true. He seems genuinely upset when he knows that I am and tries so hard to make me happy.
So do you guys think I should at least come out to him? I am gonna tally the votes and see which one wins.
(Please excuse the messiness of this post I was in a hurry)