Maxx Wrote:It still amazes me to see some people have over a 1000 posts
but thanks, i thought there was a magic to it. Its just that I will generally only respond to posts that appeal to me or when I feel like my opinion could be of interest, maybe I'll have to start posting a bit more! 
And/or in addition, you can play the thread games[if they're still active...]. Post pictures of guys you think are hot in the Stud of the Day thread, post your favourite comedians/comedies in the Fav Comedian/Comedy thread[which I started

lol], post about what music you're listening to in the What Music are you Listening to thread, post how you are doing in the How are you Today thread, post about what made you happy in the What Made you Happy thread. And there's many others.
It's not always necessarily about posting in response to someone else's problems/questions, but other things as well.
Perhaps do what Auntie[Zeon] does, even if he doesn't know what to say or how to contribute, he always leaves alittle something-something there.
Rainbowmum[and other's] have played games in threads such as; The Person Below Me, and look at Mum, she's got 7,000 posts :eek: .
I just replied to people's threads and gave a little of my knowledge, but alot of my posts come from my Animal Threads[I.e- My Lovely Turtle <3, My Cute Froggy <3, Pet Snails? <3, Late Night Expeditions, and now recently - My Zoo Friends[Animals] <3 ]
And if you don't know how to respond or contribute to an on-going conversation or to someone's questions/need of advice, then you can simply start something yourself and get the ball rolling.
As long as it's relatable I suppose, because for instance, I am a trained Musician, but not everyone here is and not everyone has the interest I do in Music, so I prefer to just not talk about it, because unless you have an interest and you actually play music, it's not relatable, as there are terms and what not that people outside of musical interest/backgrounds/training won't understand.
However Animals are relatable, because on some systemic level, everyone has had a pet or has encountered an animal, and they do not require a deep involvement/understanding of them to relate and say "Oh one of those" or "I've read about those before". Unless of course, you're like me, and know extensive details about animals, that most people won't even be interested in, that's when it becomes unrelatable to the public and common knowledge, which is why I try to keep it simple.
So you for instance may like Cars or Bikes, you can post about that, although once you start getting technical and deep, that's when you'll lose some people, especially me, for sure!

Just share. That's pretty much all you need to do. You don't have to be on all day/all night, just share what you know/experienced/etc,whether in regards to answering someone else's topic/subject or your own and other's may jump on the bandwagon and then in no time, you'll be zooming up the proverbial ladder

But as they say, all good things come in time

Fine Wine takes Time, so be patient and be Kind.