08-07-2012, 06:07 PM
Is your son gay??
tread with care here. He will be his own person. He may be a lot of things but gay men are 2-5% of the population. the early 1950's lied; we are not the 10% they said we were. Its remote he is gay. You know him the best tho; and there is never a lot of information here. i am just saying you have to listen to HIM more than ever.
Even if your son is gay, being gay is a broad statement.
activities for your son
ask him what he likes to do. All you can do is introduce him things. Swimming, diving, running are solitary things he could appreciate. he might not be as athletic as you would like but he could add this to his life later if he knows about it in a good way. so show him everything; music, live theater, dance, science, math, book readings, good restaurants, go to a motorcycle race. So when you can drive into the city on week ends.
Encourage him to have a circle of supportive friends. I know his family is super good to him but he should look outside too.
You could become more active in the schools. both from a volunteer end and also from a legal end. For the local schools thats about all you can do. he is going to have to get used to the school work hate it or not. Lots of straight parents live in the gaybro here because the neighborhood schools are more accepting.
tread with care here. He will be his own person. He may be a lot of things but gay men are 2-5% of the population. the early 1950's lied; we are not the 10% they said we were. Its remote he is gay. You know him the best tho; and there is never a lot of information here. i am just saying you have to listen to HIM more than ever.
Even if your son is gay, being gay is a broad statement.
activities for your son
ask him what he likes to do. All you can do is introduce him things. Swimming, diving, running are solitary things he could appreciate. he might not be as athletic as you would like but he could add this to his life later if he knows about it in a good way. so show him everything; music, live theater, dance, science, math, book readings, good restaurants, go to a motorcycle race. So when you can drive into the city on week ends.
Encourage him to have a circle of supportive friends. I know his family is super good to him but he should look outside too.
You could become more active in the schools. both from a volunteer end and also from a legal end. For the local schools thats about all you can do. he is going to have to get used to the school work hate it or not. Lots of straight parents live in the gaybro here because the neighborhood schools are more accepting.