> When someone downgrades someone else, when they themselves can do no better.
> Cocky attitudes[it's okay in small doses, but otherwise - Turn allllll the way off- ]
> Super huge egos [I tend to squash them if they're displayed towards me... call me a ballbuster, but I don't like guys who try to make themselves more than what they are]
> Disrespecting an Animal, because they feel superior to it. Super huge turn off and would guarantee immediate cut-ties.
> Violence. I don't like it, and would only ever defend myself or a loved one. Anything else is just not worth it.
and that's about it. As long as their personality is good and they can love me and I love them, then that's all I can ask for really, because we only live once, and all that superficial crap won't matter when you're sitting at home all alone, on your deathbed, with no one to share your life with and remember good times and bad times with and to ultimately be happy with.
Beauty will fade, money will come and go, friendships may crash and burn, but as long as you have the one you love and they love you in return equally, then that's all we can hope for as humans.
Superficiality is an illusion.
As the saying goes;
"Though you look, you do not see. For you can only see, if you do not look".
Or something like that... it's been awhile.
