My first day was yesterday. It was a little crazy as i had SOOOOO much training. I never knew how knowledgeable you had to be being a cashier in a pharmacy. I also had to remember alot of security codes and passswords! talk about Manic! lol. Apparently I'm doing well so far though. I work on sunday my first full 8 hour shift. I know it's going to be hell, but then again- my life has been hell so far. So i'm literally not going to fall apart for that reason. XD Thank you so much for the support. I really needed it after my first day. Especially with me being pretty much alone right now; It's all that I have and I really do appreciate it!
Congrats on getting a job. I wish you only the best in you career and life.
Thumbs up to you.
Posts: 2,234
Threads: 36
Joined: Aug 2012
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
LOVED seeing this thread Lewis! Best wishes on the new job. Give it priority and pace yourself! You'll begin to pick up on both work mates' and social mates' "paces" with fast or how much they put "themselves" into what they're doing. Find the pace that's right for you in all the important things and you'll have stronger control of the outcomes. I'm glad to hear you've had it tough only because I know you can make that history serve you well in both work and play! You are the cutest guy and a such a handsome dude. A chap will be very lucky to have a date with you so don't forget it!
Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!