09-24-2012, 12:38 PM

Let me start with a story that basically the same thing sorta happened to me.
My best friend who i spent 9 years of my life growing up with, was spending a night over mine for my birthday, when i finally told him about myself.
Now he is a christian and all that, and on that day without doing whats your friend did, he picked up his stuff and left. it broke my heart.
three days went by and we hadnt spoken, to then suddenly having my mum tell me he was at the door and wanted to speak to me and she sent him up. He sat down and first thing he asked was if i had feelings for him, to which i said no and he said everything will be fine.
Sometimes friends will run, but they do come back after they think things through.
That said though, there are some that dont come back and tbh you are worth so much more and you shouldnt use the word friend for people like that, harsh as it sounds. But its because they been sucked into the delusion of religious life being the only course to live life, and therefore are beyond reasoning.
I hope it works out for you like it did for me, if not, hold your head up high hun, because your worth so much!