I think the reason why people start threads that have already had umpteen answers is because it's rather daunting having to look for an answer that fits your particular case. Plus, it is advisable to make your case as individual as possible, and also obliges, to a certain extent, the new person to express themselves on something that's been worrying them.
While two cases may be quite similar, no two people are the same, so I find it useful to know how that person expresses themselves, what they are looking for, and how we can help.
My point is that this forum has something
therapeutic about it. A lot of people would cringe from having to go to a shrink to find they had to share their personal problems with a whole set of new people, who were also there to solve their problems...
I don't suppose group sessions work as well with everyone, and it's not as if we're going to be running seminars, is it?
I don't quite see how we can avoid the same recurring questions coming up... When you're a doctor, a teacher, a shrink etc... you keep having new people who all need to go through a similar process but they're still individuals with diverse personalities.
So, feel free to ramble, GS members, as MyApple suggests,


or feel free to concentrate on issues if that's what you want to do :confused::frown::eek:

Nobody's forcing anyone to answer the same (bloody) question for the (ten?) thousandth time, eh?...