but your lifes have changed, after the coming out, in a positive or negative manner?
I've always been overly shy (but have become a bit better/less-shy over the years)
I'm not out (and no plans to come out), but even if I did it wouldn't change my underlying shyness...
I never have been shy, aside from my sexuality, I came out in march of this year. The one thing I have been holding back all of these years. I am a leader and an extrovert, so not really shy.
Mainly the reason I kept my silence about my sexuality is because I wasn't sure, I didn't want to be gay or bi, least of all bi but, I couldn't make it go away. At one point you just accept you cannot change it, that is when I came out. Deep inside I don't like to admit but I was worried what others would say but, now my deepest regret was ever worrying about that.
Nope, pretty much the same!
I wasn't shy but more the "fear" of i all and the acceptance back in the 70's 80's.
Thankfully it's much better now.......
All the best with this and I love Italy and especially Milan.........just a gorgeous place.
I don't think I was ever shy. People always thought I was crazy because I learned to speak in metaphors and they were too childish and naive to understand. Now they say I'm deep and all that shit. I'm just like, "Bitch plz, I was never deep, you were just too shallow."