Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:There is, well for the lack of a better word or phrase 'spirit phenomena'.
There are also benevolent spirit entities (AKA Angels) and malevolent spirit entities (AKA demons). These have had many names and labels through history in every culture.
Ghosts (reported to be the spirit of a passed human) is a tricky subject. Electric/magnetic fields have been known to disturb brain functions and cause the person to 'see' and 'experience' ghostly or spiritual phenomena.
See: See number one (while 2-10 are very interesting too).
Some people are more susceptible to 'seeing' or 'experiencing' ghosts and spirits. It may be due to the hard wiring of the brain.
Paranormal researchers - the type of people who go and research haunted places or places reputed to have spirit phenomena - use a lot of electrical gadgets and have gotten odd readings, have gotten some sort of energy phenomena taking place. They can be in a place with absolutely no EMF and start their investigation and get pockets of EMF and Electronic Voice Phenomena and sounds and other things going on which defy their baseline readings of no electrical activity in the place.
I doubt you are an atheist. I suspect what you are suffering from is a total dislike of 'Christian Concepts' of God, thus have turned against the whole notion of there being a 'Higher Power' based on what you have seen in the behaviors of those who hold claim to this higher power.
I have discovered through the decades that most Atheists actually believe there is something more (for the lack of a better word 'God') but are loathed to associate that 'something else' with traditional takes on who this God Person is.
Wow! That was very insightful! At this point, only being 17, I really shouldn't say I'm anything (religiously). I still don't know about spirits, but no matter what anyone says I know what I felt and saw. Maybe there is another side and maybe I'm better off not knowing.
Hello all,
I believe in paranormal beings.. I know my flat i live in is haunted and it is haunted by someone who lived upstairs 20 years ago before conversion and overdosed and every now and then things seem to go wondering
Two quick and briefly explained experiences:
One, as a runaway me and kids broke into an abandoned hotel to stay in. We settled in one room that gave a few of us nightmares. I was one of them, my nightmare (similar to the others, though there were differences) was a ghostly woman crying, begging for help and radiating terror and I tried to grab her hands (and she mine) to help her but her hands kept going through mine insubstantially. Me and the others wouldn't sleep in that room anymore, especially as we got to see it in daylight and saw what appeared to be blood stains in the carpet. So one guy checked the microfiche at the library and found that just before the hotel was shut down a serial killer had been using it to kill local prostitutes (possibly having to do with it getting shut down). My personal guess however that it wasn't a ghost but more of an "astral imprint," like a psychic fossil.
An intriguing experience (though it took me years to appreciate it) was that as an experiment I tried past life regression and never got anything out of it. But one day during this I was walking near the beach when I passed an abandoned building and caught the reflection of a large man that made me jump only to realize it was my own reflection (a small girl). The reflection was not only strange for being a large man but looking like a 17th-century Caribbean pirate. And years later I had a very odd experience from a mystical practice that caused me to recall multiple past lives in vivid detail, especially that of being a French pirate in the Caribbean and I came to realize that reflection I thought I saw for a split second was me then.
I got one more experience I might share, but I think it's scary and there's no way to tell it but long, so maybe I will and maybe I won't, but in any case I'm not going to share it yet.
Talby Wrote:The matter is neither proven, nor unproven. Their is no evidence to suggest that they exist, yet there are no legitimate studies exposing a lack of evidence or physical possibility.
I personally do not believe, as I've been fooled by my eyes and ears more times than I can count. Why do creepy things happen in dark or quiet places? The mind abhors a vacuum. When there is a lack of stimulation, the brain will often provide its own. Sometimes you might hear a faint voice/sound, or see a vague figure in the play of shadow and light. Extreme deprivation of sense can actually bring on some intensely weird states of mind; look into isolation chamber/tanks if you're interested in human psychology.
This is also partly responsible for truly thoughtless meditation being so cursedly difficult to achieve. Our brains LOVE stimulation, and cannot tolerate a lack of it.
Also, as Bowyn said, electromagnetic radiation can cause people to experience "paranormal" activity. You can read up about Koren's "God Helmet," which introduces targeted EM radiation to induce said activity. There is nothing mystical about it, much like a nuclear powerplant is just a damn water boiler when you get right down to it.
As for the OP "suffering" that is just a bit biased, don't you think? He never even mentioned being uncomfortable.
your an idiot.
I was once sitting at a graveyard with my friend and it was 11pm at night and we both heard noises and it freaked us both out, so we left. Another time, around midnight or 1am I was walking past the same graveyard and I heard a bunch of talking coming from there and the graveyard was all locked up with no way to get in. I've also experienced paranormal activity in my house too. so ghosts are real. just the guy I quoted is a narrow minded shit who cant open to the truth about what goes on in this world cus he hasnt "seen" it.
ivorybenz Wrote:your an idiot.
Other than this post, I'm not going to dignify this with a response.
Sure, there are mundane explanations for a lot of it, but not all of it. I'll gladly look for and accept mundane answer if they are available but, that is not always the case and, then you have little but your own experiences, senses and, intuition to go on.
No one is ever going to convince me that there are no paranormal entities. there are. Ghosts of the once living? Unlikely, not impossible but unlikely. Other things - most definitely. I've "experienced enough personally to know it and, I know other whom I trust and have no reason to doubt who have experienced more than I have.
One such entity I've seen many times is the black dog, not the one from England, the one nearly every truck driver has seen. It is usually a dog, but can appear to be a vehicle, a person walking or, any number of other things. It's a warning to get off the road, find safe parking ASAP. Too many have ignored the Dog to their detriment, and too many more have heeded it's warning and learned why a short time later.
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Personally, i think it's a load of hooey.:tongue:
While i used to believe, mainly because my parents raised me to believe, i eventually lost all belief.
The constant ghost story and ghost hunting programmes my mum watches, my self experiencing hullocinations that seemed very real but we're impossible, and the lack of evidence and the overwillingness for others to believe by accepting just about anything for evidence took it's toll.
I think i held on to the idea for so long, because i desperately needed to believe there was some kind of afterlife; being raised without religious beliefs.
I still fear death just as much as i used to; i'm just glad i'm honest with myself now.
I love reading about ghosts but im not sure if i belive in them.
Talby Wrote:As for the OP "suffering" that is just a bit biased, don't you think? He never even mentioned being uncomfortable.
5 out of 7 billion people suffer from bible abuse in one form or the other. They are the victims of a terrible form of abuse where they are crushed and beaten with bibles.
JisthenewK Wrote:Wow! That was very insightful! At this point, only being 17, I really shouldn't say I'm anything (religiously). I still don't know about spirits, but no matter what anyone says I know what I felt and saw. Maybe there is another side and maybe I'm better off not knowing.
Age has little to do with this.
I suspect you are a victim of religiosity.
Religiosity: exaggerated or affected piety and religious zeal.
Most LGBT are victims of bible abuse. It is a violent thing, thus we have words like 'bible bashing' to express what is happening. In most cases no one is actually beating you with a bible, but that is what it feels like.
From other posts you have written, I get the clear impression that you are a bible abuse survivor who has totally shut down on all matters spiritual as a means to protect yourself. That is the abusers crime, your reaction to that abuse makes perfect sense. I hope that in time you will explore spiritual matters and other religions and find some connection to your spiritual side.
As for exploring the nature of ghosts and spirits - that is a mixed bag of potentials.
I would rather you explore this subject with people who have been there and done that, people who have had experiences enough to know the difference between hostile malevolent spirit entities (Also known as Demons) and mere ghost activity.
You have these experiences and things you have seen. It is valid to seek answers.