11-06-2012, 04:47 AM
Okay everybody. I know that Fred Phelps and his church West borough Baptist church is a controversial subject. As a Kansan who sees these idiots on occasion as they protest soldiers funerals etc. , my heart gets filled with rage. But as a faithful American, i look at what this group of nut jobs and groups like this preach, and their use of freedom of speach. As much as I cannot stand these disgusting life support systems of hatred, i can recognize and understand their right to freedom of speech. I know that a lot of people dont take this stance, especially in the LGBT community, but i believe they shouldnt be silenced. I know this will upset people on here, but understand i do not in any way shape or form support this group ( i condemn them), but if we were to make an exception to silence one group, now any group would be subject to being silenced. I dunno, I watched this documentary called, Fall From Grace, on netflix and it is very intense, but very worth watching. So I was just curious what you all think. Again, please understand that Fred Phelps makes me sick and so do all of his followers, but I just thought i would share an opinion, and im interested in hearing yours. Please keep this clean everybody, cause I love you all 
PS, I would love to protest his protest, I know exactly how I would do it too lol, give that piece of crap a taste of his own medicine.

PS, I would love to protest his protest, I know exactly how I would do it too lol, give that piece of crap a taste of his own medicine.