Lately I have been thinking about this saying I heard a lot in high school.
"You can build a hundred bridges in your life and suck one c*ck and you will forever be known as a c*cksucker"
It is a shame that most straight people only see the LGBT community for what they do in bed rather than there merits and accomplishments.
i think they are jealous cus we are f'ing shit up in their world.... we rock. lol
but seriously, they mad cus we are getting closer to equality and they cant seem to handle it one bit. so they down the lgbt community cus they are afraid.... afraid i tell you.
I haven't found that to be the case individually, yes as a group that is true but, as individuals, I think many of use are seen and known for our accomplishments, our talents and who we are as people.
Ask any of the locals here, yes they know I am gay but they won't tell you that first. They will tell you I'm a trucker, I'm a gun collector, I have a nice farm, I sell eggs, I went fishing or hunting with them, I gave them food when they needed it, etc... then they might get to "Oh and he's gay."
It's true that many homophobes and haters of gays reserve their greatest displeasure, fear, and hate for successful gays who prove them wrong by their very existence.
homophobes , not "most straight people"
i know most straight people might be homophobic . but there is no way of knowing for sure so that statement is a generalization ...
I definitely feel there is truth in that statement OP
what a same i lost my lube today i must rebuy sum lube
I think its more important to think about the statement on a deeper level, people are often known by something that makes them a minority or highlights them in some way.
you can suck 100 clocks, and blowup one bridge and you will forever be known as a terrorist.
It works both ways