22 years old is not the end of your life. If you live to the typical age of 79 for males then you have only lived 27.848% of your life. And most of that for you has been spend when you were supposed to be single - a child. You have a very long ways to go before you can justifiably feel like you will never have a partner.
Desperate has a particular smell to it - its not a real scent, but people pick up on when a person is desperate for a relationship or someone in their life, this tends to repulse people. The old truism that as soon as you stop looking for a partner they fall out of the sky is pretty much true.
There was a time in my mid 20's when I was desperate, did all manner of things to get the attention of guys, no I didn't do my eye brows, but I did tend far too carefully to my appearance.
In a fit of angst I gave up on that and allowed myself to wear mere rags, sweat pants, old t-shirts - basically saying 'Hey I don't care what I look like' and I didn't throw that much attention in keeping the hair cut and the faced clean shaven. I threw off the attitude that I didn't care.
Suddenly I had the attention of lots of guys.
Being true to yourself should be a goal you set for your life. Is plucking eye browns and keeping the pleats of your pants straight all day long really you? Can you keep that up for life?
The number one problem with most relationships is that people sell themselves for something more than they are, they keep up this pretense in order to snag a partner and once they get comfortable with the relationship they let everything fall apart - this leads both members thinking the other lied, and the truth is they did lie, they sold themselves to be someone who they are not.
So you need to ask yourself 'Who is Lewis?' Is Lewis this plucky person (pun intended)? Or are you more natural and real than that under this mask you are making for yourself?
Be yourself - whatever that is. Honestly you are 22 - that means that you are good looking and bound to attract a lot of attention just because youth looks good.
Winter sadness: If this is a reoccurring theme in your life where you get down and blue in the winter each year, you may have a condition called Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD). The real problem with that is that it is often misdiagnosed as clinical or other forms of depression thus medicated incorrectly.
I have SAD and was misdiagnosed for years, but then I only sought help when I was depressed and didn't seek help in the summer when I felt great (too great most summers :biggrin

. I use light therapy and other things to break the spell of winter melancholia. No it is not a 100% effective treatment, but it does get better with a little change here and there in your daily life.
I would suggest you seek a professional medical opinion if winters are generally sad for you. Holiday Blues for many people is in reality an expression of SAD.
You are good, and you will find a good man in time. I fear the crystal ball went dark when I asked when - but it will happen.