Posts: 1,296
Threads: 77
Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
hosts get annoyed when you try to change their history and their cultures
Helping a young person with high school history of usa the other day, the text book refered to the student protests against the war as "student roits", Jim
I've had NO hangups although I wouldn't particularly care about the race of the other person. On an entirely physical plane I seem to prefer white or Asian but in the long run, race is completely insignificant.
I don't care for someones skin colour. If I were with someone from a different culture then I wouldn't be made to feel like I should be living their way of life, although I would like to find out more about it.
I'm mainly attracted to black guys, and I'm white. I do think some white guys are hot, but i think black men are very sexy
No hangups here but do find myself drawn more towards hispanics and blacks
I kind of feel like people put too much focus on appearance in general and not just skin color when it comes to their potential partners. Every now and then someone from school will ask me "what's your ideal partner?" and I start bringing up descriptions like "friendly, funny, intelligent, willing to travel" to which they reply "no I meant physically". This has happened at least 10 times and it confuses me. Isn't a good personality in itself attractive? o: I guess if a person has both "physical beauty" and a good personality it's even better, but still...
We all have different tastes. I think people are attracted to whatever they are attracted to. It doesn't necessarily mean it has to be your race. I tend to like darker skin but not too dark. I personally tend to really like hispanic guys, greek guys, lighter skinned black guys or even some arabic guys. However, the personality, how they act and how the treat people is more important to me. In other words if I found a blond hair and blue eyed guy who has a good head on his shoulders, I would consider it a win!