I have been talking to a guy on the Web. I haven't met him in person but I really think I like him. I am just not sure when to leery him know I want to meet. he has just left a fling. Says he isn't really interested in dating, but I am patient, he is so much what I want. But I don't want to run him off. I need some help.
Play it cool. if he is the one. then he'll come around sooner or later let him first reflect his feelings for you. ^.^ in my opinion xD
well i wish you the best and have a nice day ^^
Not interested in dating means what exactly? Is he just looking for a roll in the hay, just looking for a friend with no sex?
And what is 'just left a fling' really mean. Is that his words or your words?
If he was in a relationship he may be leery of relationships for a while to come. He may actually be looking for just a friend right now. That is good.
Meet for what? A couple of beers? Seats at the game? Something that mere friends would do or meet for a date (which can be the same thing, but both parties are trying real hard to impress the other, thus forget that what they are doing is supposed to be fun).
I say get to know him a little better, get to know his likes and hobbies. Then offer to have a night or day out being buddies/friends with no pressure for anything more than just seeing a game, or whatever.
He said he isnt interested in dating, so maybe for friendship he is okay, right? Well if he is really the one you want, you could just maintain what you have right now, like maintain your "chat buddy" relationship. Also you should take into consideration that a relationship would start and ignite if both of you want it. Mutual understanding is one key, and Im afraid to say, thats not happening to both of you. You like him, and you wanna date him, but he's not into it. You said, he only consider it as a fling.. But then, like what Ive said, if you can maintain the relationship of both of you in the web, and if he could know more of you, then maybe he would change his mind and would consider to date you.
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How far apart do you live from each other? if you live close you could ask him out to do casual things.
Wow, great advice from everyone. He said he is pretty hurt about a thing he was hoping to be more but discovered it was just a user situation. So expect that to take time to heal from. he is on a dating sight, with available status. But I really like the approach of going slow, being friends possibly more. Just got advise from straight friends, "go for it" that may not work on a guy, I don't know.
I Am willing to wait. what I wasn't is to see, I like him, in chat any way, he shares many of my hobbies, just wasn't to try.
I'm sorry cause I always put a damper on people's feelings but I've been through that a few times myself, on both sides, and my experience tells me that, most of the times, when something like that happens is because the other person is not very interested. I would suggest not to force things, win him over as a friend and play your cards showing that you're a good catch but do not try to hard... just be yourself
Oh this one is easy. While he's recovering through his tragic aftershock after his last relationship you come in and help mend his wounds. Become someone he can confide in and trust. Suddenly you'll be grounds for dating and when he seems better you demand a date and confess your feelings in an epic declaration of love! and then the writer dies.