I am a boy with some LONG hair and I find other long-haired guys to be so hot...but it seems like most gay guys haven't jumped on the long-hair train.
So, what's your verdict?
Yay or nay (and give reasons!)?
Long hair on a guy can be hot or it may be not. I have no real preferences in that area.
Thinking about it more the hottest guys with long hair were either really dark (jet black) hair or very light (blond). I can't think of any that were in between. (so maybe I do have some level of preference there)
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Hmmm, I like short hair. It's boyish and clean looking. Not a fan of shaved heads or buzz cuts though.
I have long hair, not quit as long as yours. I keep it tied back at the nape of the neck usually. Some times I just tie back the top and allow the back to spread out sort of like Legolas, helps to keep the neck warm.
Long hair is not popular simply because its too much work. It takes 10 minutes to wash, a million years to dry, then combing/brushing it is a pain more often than not.
Short hair doesn't come with those hassles. Most modern haircuts for guys actually strive to have that 'I just got out of bed and tossed my head' look. as 'casual' hair style.
Lazy is in.
intrestingly enough there is an inverse relationship between mens hair length and the state of the economy. Guys are more likly to have long hair when there is more money floating around.
personally it is more about hair maintenance than length, people who don't look after their hair look bad either way.
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I think it depends on the person with the long hair and the hair style they've chosen. Some people suit certain things, some people don't.
It depends if it suits a person or not.
Not fussed even though I do prefer it shorter, I'd rather people not let others influence how long or what their hair colour should be.
I'm assuming you mean long as in, shoulders or more? In that case it kind of depends. Generally I can't really say I'm particularly attracted to it but it's no turn-off or anything. I'd prefer "too long" over "too short". In most cases that is.